Send Help. Digitakt is sequencing its self and I wish it wouldnt

This will be a total noob question, and I really didn’t want to resort to blagging the community but I’m trying to organize a life set, and one particular ghost in the machine is driving me to the point of a breakdown so here goes.

I’m using the digitakt as a sequencer for my eurorack (And as an ambience machine going right into the eventide space) while my primary drum machine is the analogue rytm. All of this is going through overbridge at the moment but it won’t be on the night

Get a decent jam on the go and then for seemingly no reason any midi channels I have begin sequencing the “Kick” track. The first sampler pad. This is super annoying because like I mentioned it has bits of noise that are going through a huge reverb. You can imagein what a disaster it would be to have my bassline sequence controlling that. I know it must be obvious what is going on here but I cant suss it out. If anyone can help I would be in your debt

If DT isn’t being sequenced by anything else, would turning off RECEIVE NOTES solve it?

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Thanks for your speedy response. Nooo it doesn’t seem to effect it at all. The most Annoying part is I didn’t change anything to make it start doing it

Okay cool. I think we’re going to need a better description of what is going where midi-wise to get an idea of what could be feeding back into DT or be coming from elsewhere.

Edit: You could also change the midi channel of the kick to be something that’s not used.

Ok, so I was outputting to midi and usb as opposed to just midi, changing that fixed it :slight_smile: although I’m not sure that is an ideal solution.

Whatever it is fixed now. Thanks for helping me though, Would you want any Audio recording for your samplers or anything, Got a few synths in here :)… I feel like I take alot from the forum and never give anything back :stuck_out_tongue:

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Probably something coming back from your DAW then? I’m good for samples but thanks for the offer - I’m sure others might be interested tho :slight_smile:

Aha nice one man

Enjoy the rest of your day :relaxed: