Send <next step trig> Digitone

Hello, community !

is it any way to somehow send next step trigger via midi / cc / nrp / or whatever could work with DN?

i’m kind new to electrons, but quite comfortable with patching MaxMsp or PD stuff and I hope it’s possible to make control DN’s sequencer via softwatre.

THNX in advance&

no, sadly no way to advance the sequencer like that on any elektrons - only thing I can think of is to try a combination of short bursts of start stop messages in time with the clock such that it’s playing and stopping, but that sounds very messy

Elektron do have DIN sync out, but not in which could have been an option to explore from a different perspective

it’d be great at if they adopted the clock pulse per step sync method that many manufacturers use as it’s so much more fun and easy to get things going - that would have facilitated something like this

it can always be submitted as a feature request - some way to address via midi a particular step on a track to make it play as prescribed without transport - but I wouldn’t hold my breath


Thanks for reply !

I’ll try start/stop method but also think it wouldn’t work proper - if trigs rate goes above specific bpm range, there could be not enough time window to send start + stop before next trig should be send.

send the request - feels like noble idea, gently pushing devs to include features user asked.

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Multimap midi can control pattern play. You can trigger patterns of you set up multimap like that.