Send samples with C6 / win7 / USB

i am trying to transfer samples to the AR with c6. i use the latest version of c6 (1.51) on win7 pro 32 bit.

sending samples via MIDI works fine, but as the samples are about 2 mb, i would prefer to transfer via USB.

i set the midi configuration of the AR to “input from” USB. when hitting the “send” button in c6 nothing happens. when accessing the c6 “configure” menu, c6 repeatedly freezes and sometimes cannot even be shut down via task manager, so i have to reboot.

anyone tried this with success or is it a known issue?

several reboots required for me…

best case scenario … open c6, plug in AR into usb, hope it wont freeze, select AR in options menu ,

after freeze unplug unplug unplug unplug AR, replug AR start sending samples. …

pain in the ASSSSS … bad elektron software ! bad elektron! boutique should have an elegant solution to this!

I am very disappointed …said it often…

hope aroundthecornerbridge will bring a better solution …

cheert BRT

sounds very bad !
but at least its not only me …
and thanks for the workaround !!! i´ll give it a try

seems to work …
thanks TrabanT !

have the same problem
sorry but what was the solution?
unplug and replug the usb cable many times…that’s it?!

yes, unfortunately.
unplug replug …
meanwhile the problem did not occur again (but who knows…)

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Thanks trabant and Brt…

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