Sending CC Messages to external Midi Gear

Hello, i want to send midi messages to my external gear midi tracks. This is only possible if i have switched the ports to Midi/Thru. But in this mode the midi patterns are not played. I have to switch it to ‘out’ again. In the ‘out’ mode the Midde cc messages are not send. How can i solve this problem?

I think I understand your problem … you want both of

  • incoming midi (keyboard/controller) to get through to midi out
  • sequence midi to go out midi out

Let me know if that’s what you’re trying to do, if it is I can explain more … there are settings that should work for you.

Thank you: Yes,…the config is Keystep 37 as masterkeyboard with Midi out to Model Cycles and Midi out of Model cycles to a midi/Thrubox connected with 4 external midi instruments each on seperate midi channels. I want to control while playing the Model Cycles midi sequencer the midi cc’s sent by the keystep 37 (Cutoff, decay etc ) of the external midi clients, especially the midi connected ios moog model D.

I answered pretty much the same question on another thread recently. Here you go.

That’s the best you can do. There’s no way to route ALL the incoming midi to midi out.

EDIT: Looking more in depth at your reply, this config might mean you have to sacrifice an M:C track for each midi device you’re forwarding to. Which is not great. But it’s the best you can do with the M:C right now, I’m pretty sure.

The config you advised is the identical to what i have and i already described. This config plays wonderful all notes of the sequencer with set to midiout option. Great! But its not transmitting the midi cc’s which i send on the same channel number. In this config the midi cc’s are only played when i set the ports config to midi/thru. But in this case the notes are not played on the external gear.
The ports settings are unique are valid for every track isnt it? This is the problem.
By the way: What is a ‘crib-list’ you mentioined above?

I will use MC exclusively as sequencer for Midi Tracks. So each Track will respresent one external gear. Midi out option allows playing notes on this connected gear with the MC Sequencer. Midi Tru option stops playing notes but allows sending midi cc from the incomming midi but the sequencer notes are not played. This Excluve OR makes no sense for me.

Crib-list = Cheat sheet = How To. Just a list of steps to get to a result.

I thought I posted one on the forum but I can’t easily find it. But if you already have the settings I described I don’t think it will necessarily help … I think what you have configured is as good as it gets. Even that was only introduced in the last firmware update (IIRC).

Have you checked Midi/Filter in the config. I think tweaking that so it doesn’t block incoming CCs might make a difference, if you haven’t already tried that ?

filter: Recv ON, RCV CC: ON ENCS : I+E, played all.

Basic question for me in general is: Would i have the same problems with Digitakt?

Alright … sorry I was no help. I don’t own a digitakt, so :man_shrugging:

Thank you for your feedbacks. I’m in the process to go dawless. Currently as a NI Maschine user i think about to go to Maschine+. So the MC is for mit an entry level study to look to go with Elektron because of its sequencer trigs i cannot do with maschine+. But dealing with midi cc is the same problem with Maschine+ or MC and maybe digitakt as well.