Sending Digitakt LFO thru Mutant Brain


i recently picked up the Mutant Brain midi to cv converter so i can use the Digitakt as the sequencer for my eurorack gear. It’s also my first time using the midi side of the Digitakt so just getting used to those pages and functions. Anyways so far all going well using the basic functions of the sequencer but i would really like to use/send the Digitakt LFO thru the Mutant Brain but can’t figure out how to do this. Any tips on how i can do this would be much appreciated. tnx!

Hey! You will need to configure one of the four configurable outs to respond to Mod wheel or after touch. Then set the LFO to one of those destinations. Then, and this is key, put a trigless trig at the beginning of the midi track (or all over!) Once you do that it should trigger the lfo and you should see it on your Mutant Brain leds

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ah the trigless trig.!! i think that’s what i’ve been missing.

Thanks heaps for the reply, i’ll give this a go tonight.

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