Sending midi data to a groovebox

Hi all, first of all I just want to say thank you to everyone who has helped me in the past, I am really grateful to this forum, I would have given up on the Octa and trying to get it to work with my vintage gear a long time ago if it were not for you all.

I have another question and I’ve searched the manual, youtube, and forums, and can’t figure out what to do, so I’m posting here.

Basically, I’m doing something maybe a bit tricky- I have a Beat Step Pro ( 3 midi sequencers) and I have set midi channels 10, 1 and 2 on the Beat Step Pro set to control midi channels R, 1 and 2 on a Roland MC505 Groovebox. So far so good. However, now I want to involve the Octatrack sequencer to be able to take advantage of the rest of the groovebox tracks, since there are 8 total, and I’m only sequencing the R, 1, and 2 with the Beatstep.

I have figured out how to make a thru machine with the Groovebox sound running through A B inputs and through the Octa effects. The patterns on my BSP midi channels R (10), 1, and 2 are sending thru the Octa and to the Groovebox, and then the Groovebox sounds are coming back to the Octa on a thru machine and the effects are getting applied, etc.

**TLDR: **
Now I am trying to send midi data on Octa track 3/channel 3 to midi channel 3 on my Groovebox, but can’t figure out how to get it to send that data. It’s important to note that even when the Octa is connected only to the Groovebox, it doesn’t work. SO, How do I get the Octatrack to send to channels 3-7 on my Groovebox?

In the OCTA, under MIDI CHANNELS I have:
Auto Ch: OFF, and Trig CH 3 on.

Under MIDI SYNC I have:
PROG CH set to send.

I have AUSIO CC in checked

Is this something I have to adjust in the Groovebox? I have all the channels there “opened” that is, like they’re all available to receive midi data and have been receiving just fine from the BSP. But maybe someone who knows that instrument too can help

Again, I don’t think this is because the BSP is the master here, in this midi chain, since it doesn’t work either when I take that factor out. So I think it’s an OCTA setting that’s probably pretty simple…

Thanks in advance! Pics attached if that’s helpful.

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Ok but did you pressed down on midi channel encoder to confirm the channel? Just turning to ch3 wont do it. Turn to 3 and push down….

I only read the TLDR part so you probably already know this:).

Oh yeah i already did that! Pressed down and confirmed ch 3!

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You can also press YES to confirm (safer to avoid a value change while pressing)

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Yes but thats not the issue i had that part set up!

Is my problem that under Midi channels I have TRIG CH3 on and I am also setting to Channel 3 on the configuration of track 3?

I am basing this suspicion on another forum post where Peter wrote:

The likely problem is that you have duplicated the channel numbers for your MIDI tracks on the audio tracks. Try going into the PROJECT > MIDI > CHANNELS menu and ensuring that none of the TRIG CH numbers conflict with the channel numbers that you want to use for your MIDI tracks.

I’m going to try this when I get home from work tonight.

The problem is that (at least initially) you were a bit confused.

The OT has 8 audio tracks and 8 MIDI sequencer tracks. They can all play at once but to edit the MIDI tracks you need to flip the OT’s interface into MIDI mode using the [MIDI] button.

There you have 8 MIDI sequencer tracks available to you. You then use the Note setup menu for the specific track to set the MIDI channel on which that track will transmit.

Unfortunately, all the settings you listed in your first post are irrelevant to MIDI sequencing from the OT. Do have a read of the manual when you get the chance. It will help you.

Don’t do that. That stuff is related to the OT receiving MIDI messages from other devices.

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I did put it into midi mode by using the midi button! I also set a trigger there and made a pattern. :thinking: I’ll revisit the manual again, and write back!

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I think the problem is you’re using the midi Thru on the Octatrack instead of the Out.

You’d need to merge both the Out and the Thru to get what you’re after. As you have it now, only the Keystep is being sent to the 505.

At least that’s what I’m seeing.


Thats a great call- I will use my midi box and get back to you!

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I think @Kpucski nailed it.
If you don’t have a merger and have enough available midi tracks, you can set 3 OT midi tracks with the same channels as BS track, in order to pass thru OT MIDI OUT (not MIDI THRU).

In that case, these channels have to be different from audio tracks channels (MIDI > CHANNELS).

Which is? Does it have a merger function?

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Midi Solutions Quadra Thru! @sezare56

Ok a splitter then, as you initially wrote. :wink:
Not a merger, so if you don’t want to invest in a merger, check above solution.

You need to merge somewhere BS and OT midi data to go in MC505 Midi IN (I had one :wink:)

If BS MIDI OUT was Soft Thru, there would have been another possibility. Apparently not.

@sezare56 and @Kpucski @PeterHanes IT WORKED!!! I might invest in a merger to free up more tracks but in the meantime this is doing the trick :partying_face:.
Thank you, thank you thank you!


:+1: How did you set it up ?

OK, it was very simple. BSP–> OCTA MIDI IN —> OCTA MIDI OUT (NOT THRU!!) --> MC 505 GROOVEBOX MIDI IN. Then inputting the stereo from the 505 into the AB on the Octa.
I set the Octa tracks and channels to correspond to each midi track on the Groovebox, and didn’t program any midi on tracks 1 and 2 and 10 because those needed to be “blank” for the BSP midi to run out to the BSP. Def sacrificing those three tracks, but I can pick and choose what I really need!

The settings on the Groovebox MC 505, I’m not sure what’s important but these are mine:

set all channels to “INT”

Shift+ 11
Sync Mode = SLAVE (very important)**
Sync Out =OFF (not sure if it matters)

Shift+ 12=
Remote KBD=OFF
Midi RX SW p = All tracks on (+)
Local TX P = BOTH (not sure if this matters for this, seemed to work with all on INT and all on EXT)

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Thanks for these settings.
I have an MC-505 so might dust it off and try it through my OT too.

Great work everyone!

using only the octatrack with the MC505 is quite simple! I have since abandoned the BSP and only sequence from the octatrack.