Sending midi from ableton into machinedrum mkII


Just got a MachineDrum SPS-1 MKII. Sick.

I’ve created midi tracks inside Ableton Live 9 and want the MachineDrum sounds instead (so sending MIDI info into the drum machine from Live).
Seems like the solution should be inside GLOBAL - Control - Map Editor? This is where it’s not so clear to me…

In Live Preferences -MIDI/Sync, I’ve turned ON the Track for the Output of my soundcard.

Any tips hugely appreciated.

If you want to sequence the MD’s sounds from Ableton Live, you can use Live to send MIDI note messages to trigger the MD’s sounds. The default note mapping for the MD is given on page B-1 of the manual or you can make your own maps in the MD’s map editor. If you want to dynamically control the MD’s sounds you can use MIDI Control Change (CC) messages listed on pages B-1 and B-2. You do not need any synchronization to be set up to do all this.

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Hi PeterHanes, thanks for that.

Yeah just figured it out. First, I wasn’t using the ‘External Instrument’ in Live.

Then in MD had to deactivate all the pre-set Patterns being triggered by incoming midi notes. Strange thing is there’s a 1 octave transposition happening from my original midi score into the MD…so had to adjust that in the Map Editor.

Thanks for the tip on CC – will go there next.