Sending program changes to the MD - any way for instant pattern changes?

I’m sending program changes from my Cirklon to the machinedrum to switch between multiple patterns of different lengths - some 1 bar, some 4 bars. I’m finding that when I send a program change in the middle of a 4-bar pattern, the MD waits until all four bars compete before switching to the pattern that I sent a program change for. Is there any way to get it to instantly leap from its current pattern to the one that I sent?

It won’t do that in response to Program Change messages.

But you can use the MD’s MAP EDITOR feature to get it to trigger patterns immediately in response to MIDI Note messages if you:

  • set the GROUP parameter to “PAT x”, and
  • set the TRIG parameter to “GATE” or “START”.

Read the details on pages 59 to 60 of the MD’s manual.

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Thanks, Peter! Looks like using midi notes to trigger the patterns is what I need to match up to my off measured Cirklon patterns.