Sending sample data only in open loop mode at low speed

I connected the MD into both ports of the ™-1 and can send data in Turbo mode from the Mac to the MD.
However, if I want to send samples from the Maschindrum to the Mac it shortly displays “closed loop” then it changes to “open loop” and sends all samples at very low speed.
Am I doing something wrong or is this behavior by design?

I use C6 for the transfer.

sounds like the MD is not getting an SDS handshake from c6.

It’s normal SDS behaviour that it then falls back to open loop and dumps the audio data without error checking.

Have you verified your c6 settings, especially checked that “SDS handshake” is enabled?

Thanks void. I didn’t had handshake ticked. However it is far from turbo speed but I guess this is normal.