Sending sysex files from model cycles to digitakt

QUESTION: Is it possible to transfer sysex from the model cycles to the Digitakt (or the analog rytm mk1)?

I’ve tried to copy all my sysex files from my model cycles and move them to my digitakt but its not working.

heres my play-by-play: I run pc and use “midi-ox” to back up my projects/patterns from the M:S. I then save those sysex files, open up transfer and drag them in. it prompts the sysex transfer page and i select the digitakt. i then go to sysex dump -> sysex recieve -> pattern 1 [yes] on my digitakt so it can record the data.

when I transfer the pattern it loads up to 7% then crashes. and when i send a pattern nothing seems to happen.

could there be anything I’m missing?

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system exclusive files are system exclusive, this means they won’t work (by exclusion) on other systems - what you’re trying isn’t going to work

likewise other file structures from the various devices will just not transfer across devices - you need a computer to capture then replay (re-record) pattern data for example if that’s your thing and whilst there is mineable info within those files, i doubt very very much there is any great desire on anybody’s part to work on a translator between two sysex dumps - it just doesn’t seem likely - you need to find a workflow some other way


… and then … somebody comes along and does it for the reface dx. :slight_smile:

I was mainly thinking of the complexity of the Elektron pattern dumps and relative incompatibility between different Elektron voice architectures, I know that translators exist for other gear or software to gear but I just don’t see this being undertaken with the Elektron sequencer dumps or the respective sound data. But to be fair you should never say never, it’s my opinion of the value of doing so that forms my take on this … one thing I should add is that the Elektron sequencers share a lot of commonalities, but there’s just so much data to map. For now I wouldn’t hold my breath, but it’s agreed that it isn’t impossible either as you illustrate


I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to say it’s very likely. I just came across that the other day and it surprised me too that someone had done that. As you say, when considering the radically different architectures of say the model cycles and digitone, it would take and awful lot of work (including some possibly illegal reverse engineering) to come up with a translator. As for model cycles to Digitakt I can’t even conceive of how you would start.

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If youre looking to transfer notes - pattern…
Then easiest way would be to enable midi note out on cycles, and receive/record those on digitakt…

This way youre dealing only with notes (steps), not engine…

Anyway you wont get all the parameters transfered like probability, or chance…
You only get thise notes which the playing device sends…