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hello everybody

I am trying to control my sdd korg delay with a midi machine, only the program change - PCHG, works fine and changing the effect presets, but i don’t know/understand or missing something how to change this parameters,
| [Dec] | | [Hex] | |
| 00 | DELAY TYPE | 00~07 | TYPE = 00 : SDD3000 |
| | | | TYPE = 01 : ANALOG |
| | | | TYPE = 02 : TAPE |
| | | | TYPE = 03 : MODERN |
| | | | TYPE = 04 : KOSMIC |
| | | | TYPE = 05 : REVERSE |
| | | | TYPE = 06 : PITCH |

| | | | TYPE = 07 : PANNING

Ill be very thankfull if someone can send me a link please to learn how to read this kind of midi tables, …i also want abuse my dx 21 :slight_smile:

thank you