Separate control for headphone volume?

Hi - not a thrilling 1st post but here goes…

When adjusting the overall volume on the Model Cycles, there’s the little headphones symbol - it appears as if you can separately adjust it - there’s a vertical marker which suggests that headphone level could be increased. Can this be done and if so how?


That’s the symbol for headphone limiting. If you keep raising the volume, the main outs will go to full volume. If you raise the volume past the headphone marker, the headphone output stops going up at that point. It’s in the settings (spanner button) somewhere … I might see if I can find it.

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thanks - so do you mean headphones can’t go any louder than that vertical line?

Yes, that’s what I was trying to say. The setting is “HP MAX” found under settings -> Audio.


aah nice one, found it thanks!

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