Sequence problem: Jomox MBase 11 + Machinedrum

Hi, first of all: Yes, I’m just a rookie but I’ve got my MD since a few weeks, the learning curve is high and it’s some real fun to learn something new every day. But since a few days I’m really frustrated about the following problem:

With a MIDI machine on Track 13 - 16 I can easily trigger another Synth (Nord Rack 2x") and/or my MFB522 … but when I try to (MIDI-)trigger the Jomox MBase 11 it reacts by accident … a random beat comes out of it instead of the pattern that I programmed. I think I’ve tried nearly everything but it just doesn’t work the way I want it to …

… did one of you ever had the same problem and can help me? Thanks!

dunno about the MBase, but make sure the MD is sending from MIDI machines only, and no triggers from its own pattern, by setting BASE CHANNEL in the GLOBAL settings to [–].

another thing might be that the MBase may interpret notes sent from MD as pattern changes, and changes its own pattern with each note it receives? dunno.

Thanks void, I already changed the Base Channel Global Setting to [–] …
With always one trigger on 16 steps it works, but with 2, 3 or even more it doesn’t … so maybe it’s really something about the MBase changing its own pattern … just need to find out how to stop this.

I have the Mbase01 and it does not work well when midi clock is being transmitted… Turn midi clock off and see if this fixes your issue… To eliminate the issue completely which is a drag cos I would like to send program changes to the Mbase is to trigger via GND-IMP machine…

The GND-IMP will trigger your notes flawlessly but you will have to assign the GNP-IMP out to one of the MD audio outs in the Global Menu… Don’t worry this is easy to do… Down side like I said is that you lose midi control of the Mbase… I bet your Mbase does not like midi clock if your MD is tx’g it…

the jomox gear is a kond of old analo-gestion of midi. Since the MD send a lot of midi signal, the jomox is satured and does’t respond exactly to what you send to it. So you hear chaotik rythm instead of your real programmation. I have the same with MBase 1, airbase 99 & Xbase 999.
Even sometimes, playing with hight BPM, the jomox were satured.
I visit a lot of fora and it seems that it’s beter to use trig than midi. But you won’t be hable to contourn the limitation of jomox hardwate.

thank you guys, you’re great - it works now with the GND-IMP …

Way to go… Only drawback with this is you lose program change which can be a hassle if you plan on doing shows…

Try this, I think it worked for me,
live record some plock data , for example slightly move the volume/level knob while recording for
the full duration of your pattern.