Sequencer features for MIDI

I’m new to the M:C. I’m playing around with sequencing my Moog Subsequent 37 to see what the M:C brings to the party.

Am I right that once a step is sequenced I can’t dynamically change midi note, velocity, and length? The only things I can change are timing (swing/nudge) and if the event happens (chance/cond). Retrigs, too, I guess.

I think I was hoping I could randomize pitch, or apply an LFO to gate length or velocity.



And am I right that it can’t send MIDI CC messages?


The M:C midi sequencing capabilities are very limited. Basically what you get with the note menu (The thing that pops up on the screen when you hold down a step) is what you get. Note, vel, and note length. You can however nudge stuff left and right, effect things with conditional trigs, and do swing per track (which the digis can’t do) so there is that.

and no you cannot send midi cc messages.

Thank you! I saw some discussion somewhere that made me think the knobs could send CC, but I couldn’t figure out how to assign them.

Honestly, not something I really would use much, just exploring the possibilities.

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You can probably send cc messages to a daw to later play back but as far as assigning knobs to different cc messages that is not possible.

You can apply the LFO to pitch or fine tune, which means you can randomise it. Same thing applies to Volume+Dist which may help with your velocity needs. Gate length can’t be modulated but decay can so that might help depending on exactly what you want.

But Pitch, Decay, and Volume+Dist don’t affect the external MIDI device. Or is there a way to make them? Thanks!

Doh … of course … I wasn’t taking into account the bigger picture (what you can send over midi) … sorry … I was only thinking ‘what can you modulate’.

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It is a bit of a bummer because the Moog doesn’t go along for the ride when I do a big “edit all tracks” move. But that’s also a feature since the Moog will hold down the fort. And I can always tweak stuff on the Moog.

I’ll focus on the M:C as a standalone device with mild connectivity to other gear. That limitation will probably be good for me as it’ll spark creativity.