Sequencer - Full MIDI support?

Well, seeing as Elektron has been able to implement all these feature, three different times in three prior machines each one slightly different, I believe they know how to do it fairly well. They gave the A4 a new feature, CV output. Why not avoid product redundancy. You want to sequence CV, buy the A4. You want to sequence MIDI, buy an OT. Seems perfectly reasonable. Happens all the with other electronic gear from other companies.

When you perform a reload on a sound, knobs doesn’t reflects it’s change sending the reloaded CC values,

For live performance is not big deal but for studio work it is a shame cos you can’t record your full perfomance as MIDI then do some edition on automations, refinements, correct mistakes etc.

If at least they consider to assign a sysex or cc to the reload event that will do the trick.

Also being able to perform a remote reload comes in very handy for Live performance. (I do this using two pattern with two identical Kits and Kit Reload On Change activated)

yea… or a MnM, or a MD. I see your point, but as all other machines do the MIDI sequencing, i view it more like: “the [box] is an awesome sampler/digi-synth/drum-machine. oh btw it also happens to be pretty damn good at sequencing MIDI.”

It’s not like MIDI sequencing is the main selling point for the OT… or dunno, I don’t have one, maybe it is, for some or many people.

Ah. MIDI sequencing has always been front and foremost for me and at one point or another I have used all the various boxes as my central MIDI clock/sequencer.

yeah, imo would be pretty cool if you could carry the AF somewhere in its bag and be able to MIDI-sequence [whatever] with it, like all the others do… it certainly would make sense.
samples can sound damn good when processed by the AF voices :slight_smile:

At least it should output Midi Notes for the respective tracks. That would be standard for frak’s sake. I don’t need dedicated midi tracks but layering tracks is total common task and i don’t want to be restricted to CV here. And also, you can never export or record the note data from the A4. To me that’s like an illegal lock-in of my intellectual property… Höhöhö.

No seriously, give us midi note out. Nobody will by the OT just for sequencing. It just not mobile…

i was thinking this just yesterday, but initially in connection with the OT - as with the A4, when you clear a page, it does not send out the 6>10 param values for that clearing action which will get editors and daws out of sync with where the synth is, this should at least be a user-configurable option on OT/A4 !

this seems like the fairest stance by far, i think a user selectable note out option should be no more than a fair hope for the future, not extra sequencing tracks or lfos etc, just a way to pipe out usable midi note info
don’t forget, the A4 does everything instantly, if we start getting it to parallel process other tasks it may start to hurt
#don’treallygivea****asihaveanOTnow :wink:

i was thinking this just yesterday, but initially in connection with the OT - as with the A4, when you clear a page, it does not send out the 6>10 param values for that clearing action which will get editors and daws out of sync with where the synth is, this should at least be a user-configurable option on OT/A4 ![/quote]
I already ask support about this and they said it wont happen any soon.

Elektron has removed “Full MIDI support” from the specifications of the sequencer on their webpage.

Clever girl…
Was it always under Synth voice features? Maybe they just had it in the wrong spot >.>


I need a simple MIDI sequencer to go with the A4, but not at the expense of portability. A note-only duplicate of the CV track would be enough.

(Looking into Arduinoboy + LSDJ now, but haven’t found out if it can both be synced to MIDI and sequence other gear at the same time.)

What about an iOS device with an iConnect MIDI 2+ interface?

And how does this iOS device guess my note output from the A4? I just want to double voices with external midi gear.
I could use a CV to Midi interface to at least double 2 tracks while completely loosing CV functionality and utilizing a ridiculous amount of external gear for some functionality that has been there as a standard in sequencer-capable gear since the mid 80ies… uh, nope.
Just because some marketing geek at elektron thinks nobody will buy the OT if they’d implement this tiny feature.
I’ll give the A4 one last chance when they finally put out the update. If I still get inspired by the A4 more than its little annoyances constantly get in the way of me making music I’ll probably keep it…

“”“I got tired of waiting because i found out there’s only a fine line between biding one’s time and waisting one’s time.”""


And how does this iOS device guess my note output from the A4? I just want to double voices with external midi gear.
I could use a CV to Midi interface to at least double 2 tracks while completely loosing CV functionality and utilizing a ridiculous amount of external gear for some functionality that has been there as a standard in sequencer-capable gear since the mid 80ies… uh, nope.
Just because some marketing geek at elektron thinks nobody will buy the OT if they’d implement this tiny feature.
I’ll give the A4 one last chance when they finally put out the update. If I still get inspired by the A4 more than its little annoyances constantly get in the way of me making music I’ll probably keep it…

“”“I got tired of waiting because i found out there’s only a fine line between biding one’s time and waisting one’s time.”""[/quote]
Agree, in that way you can´t.
What you can do is to use an iOS sequencer to drive that particular track on the A4 and the “doubler” synth.

i was surprised there isn’t mirroring of notes outs on the tracks, but i don’t think it’d be so useful for sequencing external gear, more for recording sequences. on the other hand, i’d probably turn it off most of the time, like i do with other gear that does straight up mirroring. :slight_smile:

all the a4 would let you lock is what, velocity? note slides wouldn’t work, it’d be a pretty vanilla sequencer, people would want more features.

i dunno why people go for these paranoid marketing conspiracy theories though. how is it not a matter of limited resources. time +money?

i mean, imo the OT still handles a fair amount of things kinda clunkily, especially on the MIDI side. that doesn’t help sell anything else. there’s only so much time in the day to do all that stuff.

that said, i have a feeling the keys players are going to be way more vocal about being dissatisfied that what they play into the sequencer can’t go out. we’ll see. :slight_smile:

i’m wondering now how the joystick gets recorded? it sends CCs doesn’t it? Only when it’s physically moved? maybe it just locks the controls it’s mapped to on the a4?


Just an idea,

If you can manage to program your notes idea using the A4 arpegiator then you can use MIDI out from the arpegiator being able to play internal and external synth at once.

Sorry I get confused with other hardware. :frowning:

Your right. I said is was a conspiracy. No company ever has limited features on a device as part of decision to make money off of their broader product line.

That’s a very good suggestion actually. A bit expensive for what I’m willing to pay right now (haven’t got an iDevice), maybe, but with all the music apps that exist on the platform… Tempting.