Sequencer - Full MIDI support?

Just use a CV to Midi converter, like the Doepfer A-192:

Or use a synth with the A4 that has CV-in…Moogs, Mini/Microbrute, asf.

That’s a very good suggestion actually. A bit expensive for what I’m willing to pay right now (haven’t got an iDevice), maybe, but with all the music apps that exist on the platform… Tempting.
Indeed. Check Thesys (single track) or Genome muli-track.

[quote="" pulsn""]

Just use a CV to Midi converter, like the Doepfer A-192:

Or use a synth with the A4 that has CV-in…Moogs, Mini/Microbrute, asf.[/quote]
Ha ha ha. Did you read anything I wrote on the previous page?

You mean that?

I could use a CV to Midi interface to at least double 2 tracks while completely loosing CV functionality and utilizing a ridiculous amount of external gear for some functionality that has been there as a standard in sequencer-capable gear since the mid 80ies… uh, nope.
Just because some marketing geek at elektron thinks nobody will buy the OT if they’d implement this tiny feature.


Nope. Just read it. Ok, i take my suggestions back and suggest the opposite. :wink:
Sell the A4. G

I did. And I’m very happy with it : amazingly, it also does sampling…
It is now the central piece of my MIDI hardware setup.
(A bunch of Shruthi-1’s, LXR, and of course the A4, which does sequence my eurorack modular.)
What now ?
You’re just making suppositions…
In the end, how does it help you to complain and feel like a poor victim of those bad bad guys at Elektron ?

Not sure anyone is calling the anyone “bad”

Well, I will if I continue to find it doesn’t fit my needs. I’m experienced enough not to rely on a certain manufacturer or piece of gear to get my ideas to tape.

The A4 offers a lot for a very low price, yet certain deliberate omissions make me wonder. If I would think bad of Elektron I wouldn’t waste my time giving them feedback here on this board. Quite the contrary.

@Costo: I would buy the OT as a sequencer if it fulfilled all the features I want from a sequencer, but it doesn’t. And as a supplement for a rather ridiculous shortcoming of the A4 it’s not worth the studio-space. Don’t get me wrong the OT seems to be an inspiring piece of equipment. But I don’t need and want sampling. Simple as that. :wink:

I was a bit disappointed that A4 does not output midi from the sequencer.
But here I’ve got a MPC1000 and more interesting and powerful I use Numerology Pro as my main midi/CV sequencer with lots of joy.
A4 did not find yet it"s right place in my setup (hardware/control/color wise. but the sound yes).
I am happy that I can control my Minitaur with CV. I just change my mind yesterday as I previously use the GATE and NOTE on CV but now I will come back to Numerology for the tone and A4 for the modulation using the four CV input of the minitaur.
What’s nice is i can create a pattern with numeroly, hit record on A4 and play the numerology pattern once to get it to the box.

As I said, I’m still working on my workflow with the A4 but it did not really change my way of doing things. Just adding more possibilities in my “creation”.

Don’t get me wrong, I’de love to have A4 with pattern midi output.

The best would be midi tracks as it is implemented on the Monomachine for sure !
Beside that, a very fun thing on this site:
Try to search anything with words “midi” and “out” in your search string and you’ll get an internal error response.

Does it behave the same for any of you ? :slight_smile: