Sequencer Issues w/ Odd Time Sigs?

Mayhaps I’m doing it wrong. For instance, had a kick with 6/16 of the sequencer selected. So expecting kick that sounds sort of 3/4ths-y. But I find that the sequencer will play it through three or four times as expected, then add a step? Or something. Really strange. Maybe I’m doing it incorrectly dunno…

Polymeter Setup

In the “Advanced” sequence length selection screen, not only can you set the sequence length for each individual track, but you can set a Master reset point for after a certain number of steps has been reached. Parameter listed as LEN for length.

e.g. 64 steps master reset point will make your 6-step kick pattern reset after 4-bars.

If you want your kick drum sequencer track to just loop forever at 6-steps, just dial that Master reset “LEN” value to “INF”

Unless I’m mistaken and this feature isn’t in the TAKT series?? It should be there.


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Be aware that if you do that, you wont be able to chain or manually sequence a pattern to play after it. I don’t know how this interacts with Song Mode.

If you want to play/chain multiple patterns, use a Ch.Len equal to the step count you want before the change happens, and set the M.Len to something other than INF. Typically the first multiple of the polymeter’s step count and the “bar”'s step count.

There’s some weirdness with how this interacts with pattern changes over MIDI. I can’t remember the details. The manuals might still be wrong (they make it sound like INF+Ch.Len works fine, but it doesn’t).


Excellent point! :heart_eyes:

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On the digi series the change length works in combination with INF m.Len for pattern chaining etc

I was actually surprised this doesn’t work the same on the analog four even though the manual states that it should.

So simply set m.LEN to INF and ch.LEN to the amount of steps you want the pattern to last before changing to a next pattern.

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This is it, yeah the SYNTAKT has this as the default view, so that’s totally what I was missing was it’s cutting out after four fours. Cheers!

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Yep thank you that’s totally what’s up!
I want to play around more in these other timings for sure.

Here’s the example (cut to the last min or so, as this is a whole 26 min set) you’ll hear the main churn 1…2…3, 1…2…3, 1…2…3, 1…2, 1…2… then 1…2…3, 1…2…3