Sequencer Key - Different White Hues

Hello All,

yesterday i realized that the White Hue of Key Number “9” of the Sequencer Keys, is noticable different than the other ones. While the other ones appearing pretty uniform in a cold and “blue-ish” white tone the Key Number “9” appears more in a dimm, brown-ish white tone.

I updated to latest firmware, but no difference. I got this Digitone Keys just some weeks ago. It seem to get worse, or i haven´t really noticed it in the last weeks. i don´t know.

Is it fixable? Is there maybe a LED Recalibration Tool like to one for Ableton Push MKII?

Do you have different hues on your device? Is it something known an common?

I am still in the Money-Back Periode, so no worries here. But just curious, if i would swap it, the next device could potentially have the same “issue”.

Probably for a lot of users not worth the mention, but for me, i kind of drives me crazy.

Thanks in advance.

Never heard it discussed for DN. There is a LEDs test mode which will show white red green blue you should be able to discern variations across whichever colour may be varying. It probably isn’t user addressable but if you take a picture I guess you will get better feedback on whether other folk have this but don’t report


This sounds like a defective LED (one or more color channels not reaching its norm intensity). As @avantronica suggested: use the test mode to check the intensities of the single color channels on the LEDs.

Press and hold the [FUNC] key while powering up the Digitone to access the STARTUP menu. From there you can access the test mode.


Hello all,
thank you for the numerously responds. Run the Test Mode like @tnussb suggested.
All LED Hue match perfectly in blue and red and green. It is just in the white Hue.

Looking closely at the picture, there are actually more the than 2 White Hue. See how button Nr. 5, 13 and 9 differs from each other…

I remember as Ableton Push MK2 came out, several users reported the same issue about the pads. Some users had pretty much 64 different White Hues on their devices. With that calibration tool, it was possible to match the global white hue, which helped a lot.

I added some picture. Not an easy task…!


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yeah - not as easy to see in a picture compared to your eyes - wait and see what support says, it looks sorta okay (many wouldn’t notice or care, but I probably would, as you do), but maybe a bit pink on 9 and blue on 5 ?! so I guess it is your call - although that white keys mode is the least likely to be used on a DNK !