Sequencer step mode for vintage voice modelling?

After watching a video on how to emulate voice modelling on the Sequential Rev 2, Blade Runner Brass Pad Patch Tutorial - Advanced Modulation Techniques with the DSI Prophet Rev2 - YouTube, to create more vintage sounding patches using the gated sequenser I was wondering if this might be possible on the Digitone using parameter locks on each step but with external midi note info.

But there is no way of using the Digitone sequencer in a gated step play mode, there is only rec step mode, right?

i don’t have a digitone but looks like it has the same multimap feature as the A4 so this might be useful if you have an external seq, some time and inclination…

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Wow, that workaround is creative, I’ll give it that, but unfortunately not what’s I’m looking for. Thank you though.