Sequencing Circuit Tracks with Digitakt

As the title strongly suggests I’m trying to sequence a Circuit Tracks with my Digitakt and am running into an issue when trying to use the drum tracks.

I can access just 4 drum sounds in total, corresponding to sample slots 1, 3, 5 and 65 - across the different drum tracks.

Is there anyway to make this a bit more useable?


If it’s set up like the Circuit Rhythm, and I’m pretty sure it is, then you control what drum sound is assigned to each track with a cc message. You can check your programmer’s guide for the specific number.

And if it works the way that it does on the Circuit Rhythm then it’s a little wonky. You probably need to send the cc message to change sounds with a yellow trig before you actually send the note with the red trig. And you also need to include the cc with the note on the red trig otherwise it will try to revert back to the previously assigned sound and cut off.

But wonky or not, it works on the Rhythm so it should work on the Tracks. Let me know. I’ve been curious about the Tracks since I got the Rhythm

Thanks for your response.

Yes, it does sound a bit clunky alright. For the time being I can simply change the drum sample per channel from the Circuit interface.

I will let you know if/when I implement the solution you’ve described here, cheers.

Also, the tracks is very good overall, especially if you have other synths you want to sequence with it. I prefer to sequence chord pads from the CT to the Digitakt as the CT has patterns per track, so you can have a bank of chord progressions. Have to say I’m not that impressed with the synthesis engine although that’s mostly based on presets tbf, you can edit patches fully on a computer and get better results I’m sure.

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I’ve heard a couple things that gave me a lot of confidence in the power of the synth itself. Especially this:

I don’t really mind programming a synth on the computer since I already do it with my Skulpt. But I’m definitely interested in how well it gets along with the Digitakt.

Hey man, just reading this and you seem very knowledgeable about this.

I’m a circuit rythm user looking to sequence it via my syntakt. Is there a way to set it up so I can play several loop tracks at the same time from my rhythm via the syntakt?

If you mean you want to trigger samples that are set to loop then I can definitely help you set that up.

If you’re trying to have the Syntakt do things like change what pattern is playing, I actually don’t know how to do that. When I use my Rhythm with my Digitakt I just control the whole thing from the Digitakt.

I pretty much never run two sequencers together if I can help it.

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The first of those. I’d like to trigger samples just not sure how to set up so that I can trigger more than a single sample

Oh okay. Cool. Make sure you download the programmer’s guide for all the ccs. But the one you’re going to want is cc 8. Set that up in your Syntakt and choose the sample you want to be your default sample.

When you want to use a different sample, set down a yellow trig with just the cc message changing the sample. You can use trig preview even with the yellow trigs.

You need to put the yellow trig down before you put down the actual note with the red trig. And you need to also have the cc message with the red trig. Otherwise the Rhythm will try to revert to the old sample mid playback. So I find the easiest thing to do is copy the yellow one and paste it where the note is going to go. If you tap a yellow trig it becomes a red trig.

Also, the yellow trig with the message to change the sample will interrupt sample playback so you’ll probably want to nudge that trig all the way to the right.

Hopefully that all makes sense

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Hi Doug, thanks for getting back to me I appreciate it! Found it a little confusing, I’ve got the programmers guide now and can’t seem to make sense of it. Do I need to select a midi channel and a program change channel? How do I select cc 8 and I can’t seem to find what yellow and red trigs are. Sorry to be a pain, grateful you’re giving me the time to help!

Nah, it’s all good. I’m working on tutorials so hearing what people want to know how to do and what they’re having trouble with helps me out.

I don’t have a Syntakt. I’ve got a Digitakt and a Digitone. But I think the only thing that’s really different for you is that you have to set your track to be a MIDI track instead of a machine first.

You don’t need to worry about program changes for this. You do need to select the MIDI channel for each track you want to control.

I’m not sure what button that would be. On the Digitakt it would be src and on the Digitone it would be syn1 or syn2. So I’m assuming it would be whatever is to the right of the trig button on the top right, just under the knobs and above the arrow keys.

However you get there, you choose your MIDI channel on the top left where it says “chan”. You need to press and hold func and then the corresponding knob to change it.

On the Rhythm side of things you can choose the MIDI channel for each track in the set up menu. To get there you press shift and save. When you’re there you can choose a track with a track button and then choose what MIDI channel you want by picking from one of the spots on the top two rows. They correspond to channels 1-16. You can’t choose 16 because that’s always the global channel. That’s why it’s in red.

You can put any track on any other channel but no two tracks can occupy the same channel.

On the bottom row you want to make sure that the green button on the left is lit up. That’s note receive. And you want to make sure that the peach button on the left is lit up. That’s cc receive. If you don’t have that set up then it doesn’t matter what you do on your Syntakt. The Rhythm won’t hear it.

And to get out of that menu, you press play.

From here, on the Digis you would press amp. When you’re on a MIDI track this is the place where you would choose what ccs you’re going to control. Go to the first one on the top left where it says “sel1” and choose 8. It might say “stereo bal”. I think it does that because that’s usually what that cc controls but it controls sample choice on the Rhythm.

Now press fltr. On the MIDI tracks, this page lets you control the ccs you chose on the other page. By default there should be an x over each slot because they’re not engaged. To engage one, you press and hold func and then press and hold the knob. If you chose your cc on the top left where it said “sel1” then you want to use the knob on the top left for “val1”

Once that’s engaged, you should be able to choose whatever sample you want by moving it around.

As far as the trigs go, on the Digis the red trigs are just the regular ones. You press a step in the sequencer and that puts down a red trig, which plays a note. A yellow trig doesn’t play a note. It can be used for controlling parameters. You put one of those down by holding func while you put down a trig in the sequencer.

You can lock a cc value to a trig the same way you normally do parameter locks. You hold down the trig and then move the knob, in this case for “val1”.

And again you would need to use the yellow trig first. So you would press func and then the step before you want to play the new sample. That should put down a yellow trig. Press and hold that trig and choose the sample you want by moving the knob corresponding to “val1.” If you want to hear what samples are what as you’re scrolling through them you can press yes. This previews the step.

Once you choose the sample, copy that step by pressing and holding the yellow trig and pressing record. Paste it by pressing and holding the step next to it and pressing stop. Then tap that trig once. It should turn into a red trig. And like I said the message on the yellow trigs will interrupt s sample that’s playing so you can use the microtiming to nudge the yellow trig all the way to the right. And you do that by pressing and holding the step and using the arrow keys.

Oh, and my fault. I really should have warned you that the programmer’s guide for the Rhythm is a confusing mess. I think that everything you want is on page 6 under sampler parts.