Sequencing external hardware(behringer neutreon) with model Cycles

Midi out on the model cycles is checked on the active track,track 1-6 are are set to midi 1-6 out(default).I have m+u selected in midi ports(out).
I have Cycles connected to the Neutreon midi in but no sound?Do I need to select a channel with the Neutreon’s dip switches or something?Anyone know how to do this?

There is a diagram in the Neutron manual (pg 9) which explains this.

plragde…Thanks for helping!
I have tried all the 16 channels …didn’t work(I tried them with both out pol settings INV and STD in cycles)
When I sequence the Neutreon from my Daw I have to find the right Midi out channel in my Daw to communicate with Neutreon.I can not see from Cycles manual how to do this.The Neutreon manual says that the dip switches selects the incoming midi channel for the synthesizer so that I can switch between devices.When I use only Cycles midi out into Neutreon,isnt that just one midi signal that my synth should understand regardless of the dip switches?

I have an M:C but I don’t have a Neutron. My reading of the Neutron manual is that it only listens on the one MIDI channel set by the DIP switches. So you might as well turn MIDI out on for each M:C track. It sounds as if you have the M:C configured correctly. You aren’t trying to use USB MIDI from the M:C, right? That won’t work. If you don’t want to mess with the DIP switches, use your DAW to find what channel the Neutron is listening on, and then set your chosen M:C track to send MIDI on that same channel.

My cable was defect so buying a new one solved some of the problems…(I have tested this with behringer td3 and the Neutreon)
Cycles now communicates with my synth(on the correct channel),but I can only hear the triggering,not the pitch,velocity and length.When I play the trigs on Cycles my synth reacts to the pitch,but when I play a pattern, I only hear the note the pad/track is set to.Every track has these problems.I might add that I’ve tried midi filter/encs/int and I+e settings.Any advise?..Thanks!

The MIDI Note On message includes pitch and velocity, so the message is getting to the Neutron. From my reading of the Neutron manual, 4.9, the envelopes are triggered by MIDI Note On. I would expect that the Sustain phase of the envelope is terminated by MIDI Note Off. So if you set Attack and Decay to be small, you should hear the note hold for the duration you set in the Cycles. But that is just a guess. I don’t know why the trigs would send notes of different pitch but not the sequencer. Check your pattern carefully.

As for velocity, you will need to configure and do some patching. Configure the Assignable output to velocity as described in section 5.2 of the manual. Then you will need to patch that output to one of the attenuators to lower the audio signal appropriately.