Sequencing Nord Drum 3P, triggers on hits but not in the sequencer

Hey y’all, I bought a ND3, it sounds incredible.

So the Rytm triggers the ND3 when I hit a pad, but when I record or input trigs into the sequencer I only hear the cars going by outside.

Could it be an issue with the trigs not getting the correct note value? I tried everything from -24 to +24 in the trig page. I just don’t understand.

iirc the Analogs have a very restricted MIDI sequencing support - it is not enabled (per track) by default … look for a Midi Out toggle within each Track’s settings

it is(was) normal for track pad tapping to sound a device (if pads out is sent to external) and for there to be no ‘sequencing’ - this was updated to enable a partial mirroring of whatever is sequenced on the AR/4 etc … via said toggle per track !

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Yea, I actually found the issue when I was thinking it over just now haha. I’ll have to get a better grasp on MIDI as a concept I think… Thanks for your help though! :slight_smile:

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