Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop

:100: same for me.


my desk got crowded. the only answer is to build up. i whipped up some new end cheeks for the p12 in leftover cherry. these were supposed to be drawer fronts for a bureau, but i havenā€™t gotten back to working on that project in forever. iā€™ll probably have to cut them to different lengths, anyway. the vesa mount is just attached with m4 12mm screws and nuts through 1/4ā€ baltic birch plywood scrap. the ply fits into routed dadoes in the cheeks for easy disassembly. or, it can sit on the desk again with the vesa mount removed. finish is just a couple of coats of danish oil after a quick sand and 1/16ā€ round over on the edges. seems okay so far. it wobbles a little but should be stable enough. iā€™d like to mount the DT next to it on another vesa arm next.

edit: DT is mounted now but maybe not in its final location. itā€™s nice to get gear off the desk while still keeping it accessible. i prefer the DT to be closer for easy of tapping out stuff on those clicky-clacky keys.


Nice, this looks like a very fun, jam-friendly setup!

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I think this somehow ended up becoming the canonical P12 thread here? Anyway, I need some help:

Iā€™m in a funk, I guess. Since Daveā€™s death, when I sit down to program something, I just get one or two oscillators in before getting depressed and moving on to a different machine. I know thatā€™s the last thing heā€™d want, and I need to find a way to get back on the horse. Maybe if anyone has any P12 specific challenges or synthercises to share? A favorite patch set to deconstruct? Something else yā€™all use when looking for Prophet inspiration?

Or maybe I just need to put it on the shelf and observe some formal period of mourning or something. But that just seems reallyā€¦ sad.

What I sometimes do is to check out some (P12) videos on YouTube, reviews or patch examples. Jamie from Geosynths has some really good videos on it - or just some of my favorite channels - e.g. the last video from Ricky Tinez on his favorite Peak. Or any other video on some synth where I go ā€œthis sounds cool - letā€™s see if I can recreate something similar on my P12ā€ and then I give it a try. Makes me explore the P12 more than I have done beforeā€¦

Btw I had my P12 keyboard in a box for many months. When I heard the news of Dave Smiths passing I took it back out and started building some patches and spend more time on this thing than ever done before with this synth.


iā€™ve also been itching to get back into sound design with the p12. there are surprisingly few videos about it on youtube in general, and not many recent ones beyond some jam sessions. maybe the answer is to get back into it, regardless. i had roughly the same experience looking around for tutorials on the nord lead a1. there are some but not many.

I still use mine on everything. Iā€™ve found nothing that even comes close to it, for character and color, once it clicked with me.

That took some time, though. But now, itā€™s everything.

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Not sure where to put this question, and didnā€™t want to start a thread, so here seems as good as anywhere.

Iā€™ve just bought a P12 desktop after months of indecision - and seemingly one of the last new oneā€™s available.

I am very much looking forward to receiving it (and also hooking it up to Oracle IOS app by Marcus Kohler, whose apps Iā€™m a big fan of).

May I ask if anyone could share any advice or guidance a new user could benefit from?

Doā€™s, donā€™ts, tips or resources (the internet seems to yield very little on the P12) would be most welcome.


This helped me out early on:

Also, I found a bunch of presets I really liked that I could take apart and learn from (as is tradition with Sequential gear, the factory ones didnā€™t really do it for me):


I didnā€™t find an official Prophet 12 thread, so I figured I would post this here:

I bought a prophet 12 keyboard in great condition for a pretty good price. I have had it for about 3 weeks now. IT IS AWESOME. I get why Dave Smith called it his favorite synth (that he designed). It is so fun to program and the sound palette is massive. And I know I am in the minority, but I adore the sound of the DSI PA397 filter chip. It is also in the Evolvers and Prophet 08/Rev2. I cannot really describe why, but it just sounds perfect to me. It is seriously my favorite filter ever. Itā€™s what I imagine a filter should sound like. And then on top of that, the HPFā€¦ man this synth is incredible.


You say it like it is, friend.

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74 minutesā€™ worth of P12 patches by Midera. I know why I sold my P12 desktop but I still wish I hadnā€™t.


Have you read Mideraā€™s review? That might put some salve on the wound. I think itā€™s safe to say, even after making this very lovely patch-set, that heā€™s not a fan.

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Iā€™m terrible at letting synths/things go so Iā€™m actually a bit surprised that I parted ways with the P12. Although I didnā€™t spend nearly as much time with it as Midera has, I too felt that it had the potential of being ā€the best synth everā€ but I just wasnā€™t able to make it that for me.

Thatā€™s a really well-written, honest review by Midera by the way. Indeed it reminds me of why I sold the P12, although the UI of the module was the biggest of them all for me.

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His presets sound very uninspired to me compared to many of the excellent demos out there. Not surprised he didnā€™t like it.

To be honest his presets sound a lot like mine. And I definitely agree that mine, at least, are uninspired. Iā€™ve arrived here by trying to patch the P12 like any other subtractive synth ā€” to the point where, not only is it rare that I use both layers, but I rarely use more than two oscillators.

There definitely seems to be a dividing line between people who use the P12 like an over-specā€™d, under knobā€™d Peak and those who get the modulation- and layer-heavy wizardry that make it otherworldly. Personally, Iā€™m trying to get over to the other side. But there are precious few examples of how to get there (or even where ā€œthereā€ is) so I donā€™t blame anyone for giving up and moving on.

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It is a pretty complicated synth in that there are so many possibilities and sweet spots arenā€™t always so obvious. The editors available combined with some of the nice preset packs people have made are good ways to see what people are doing/how theyā€™re doing it- at least thatā€™s been the way Iā€™ve been going about it. Iā€™m in the same boat being far from having mastered the synth.

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What are some of your favorites? Iā€™m always on the hunt for p12 packs! :slight_smile:

I did this too. To me the P12 felt too much like a spaceship when all I wanted to do is travel comfortably (and fairly quickly) from Helsinki to Stockholm. ā€Over-specā€™dā€ for sure, to me, that is.

And while I can marvel and appreciate the skill that goes into designing some of the crazy, ultra-modulated scifi sounds that Iā€™ve heard people make on the P12 those are not really the patches I need in my music. However, Iā€™m an absolute sucker for subtle, continuous movement in sound, which is totally doable on the P12 as well and thatā€™s where my patience and sound design skills fell short with the P12.