Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop

I wouldn’t worry about it. Dave has been known to not make the same instrument twice. It’s something he’s said on and off in interviews and stuff.

Except for the Prophet 5 :slight_smile: but that’s an exception I’m prepared to fully embrace :slight_smile:


Anyway, I am very excited. I should start saving some money, don’t you think?

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You and me both, man. I’m already talking my neighbour into selling his kidneys, since I’m all out m’self since the Prophet 5.

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Done this now, check the soundcloud info for link and discount code if you so desire

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can you share some demos? Would love to hear the P12 and ofcourse the Strymon Nightsky :smiley:

Sorry, not yet. Mostly I just jam and don’t record. But I will. Just wait. :wink:

Can we talk about the elephant in the room ? Why isnt there a decksaver for the P12 Desktop ? not enough units produced ?

It looks plain bad…


Usually they produce whatever they see demand for (people are always asking them for specific covers on Twitter etc). So I assume not enough demand, rather than not enough units, exactly.

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You can get a cover from Stardust

I got mine from this place, Its virtually identical to the stardust one minus the P12 logo

It’s great and I would definitely recommend them if you are based in the uk.

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I’m more bummed about the scarcity of the rack ears! I’ve given up trying to find those.

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Thank you for the link! I have been looking for this too! :slight_smile:

(The quest for a dustcover for the MEK continues though.)

Excellent stuff, really enjoying these.


Someone on Etsy is making 3D printed rack ears for the P12. I’m going to give em a try.

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Wow, this sound cloud clip is heavenly. This is all just a p12 and a bam? I need to look more into this pedal!!

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I bit the bullet and found a new one someone had on Craigslist. Just brought it home, haven’t opened it up yet. I’m so excited. I blame this thread for whatever happens next!


Sounds out of this world. Holy moly.

One quick dumb question- when I turn on the arp and latch, I go to edit other parameters. When I want to go and edit the arp again, I have to press the arp button to get to that menu and then it shuts the arp off. Is there a way to switch over to arp settings without having to turn it off?

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I never use the arp so I wouldn’t know, actually. Maybe apply Hold as well?

And welcome to the Prophet 12 crowd :sunglasses:

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Congrats, you’re responsible for me getting a black box years ago and now this! Kinda cool, right?

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We’re oceans apart but still so close, mate :slight_smile:

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