Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop

Just got the module set up yesterday. Initial reaction: boy I have to overcome some serious obstacles in my head to start enjoying that UI.

Any tips (besides spending a lot of time with the synth) for getting the hang of the module workflow?

I know the UI is logical and everything is one or two clicks away but much of my setup is knob per function nowadays so it’ll take some getting used to.

I’m curious - does anyone know why DSI decided to make the module this simplistic compared to other Prophets and also the P12 kb version? (Apparently it was just due to maximum portability.)

Do you have an Hydrasynth? If so, I think you can apply that logic to the P12.

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No Hydrasynth here, I’m afraid.

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For me it really helped to take things one unit at a time. It’s really tempting with the P12 to want to build long patches across the entire signal path with tons of modulation, etc. to really hear what it can do. But I started understanding it better forcing myself to do basics.

Like, literally start with the OSCs. Single saw, single square, square and saw, detuned dual saw, detuned 4x saw. Then amp envs, etc. Then filters and envs. Then LFOs instead of envs on amp and filter. Then both together, etc. etc. All that drudgery. Like, seriously pretend like you’ve never touched a subtractive synth before.

On one hand, it’s a really good way to get some totally boring ass sounds out of an otherwise fantastic sounding synth :laughing:. But it feels like getting the most out of the P12 over the long haul means building up that muscle memory, and that means putting up with boring for the first few days.


would you say the P12 is similar to the hydrasynth regarding editing, menu etc.? Or is it more like A4?

I don’t have a P12 but from what I’ve seen and regarding the look of the P12, both synths (Hydra and P12) have a clear Audio path layout (schema) in front of your eyes and you are one click away from their Parameters. I find this logic very clever.


This is really good advice. Simple enough for me to understand as well, ha! Thank you!

Just watched a bunch of older P12 videos with Dave Smith himself (NAMM videos etc.). It’s obvious he was (probably still is) very excited about the P12 when it came out. Also, how fucking cool is Dave Smith!?! The number of things he’s done in the synth world… Just blows my mind!

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The one where he’s announcing the firmware with the FM improvements with John Chowning is a personal fave. He’s clearly just having fun and is super excited about it.

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Gotta say, my first session with the P12… I totally failed to follow that advice of yours, @jemmons - BUT it’s already feeling like a really fun synth! It’s definitely the most feature-rich synth I’ve ever had and it’s gonna take time to figure it all out but after yesterday’s initial “shock” reaction to the UI I know I’m up to the task.

I used to have the module and recently picked up the KB. I think programming the module was faster and easier for me. I’ve been thinking about selling/trading for another module version lately.


I must say that in general I absolutely abhor menus but the menu structure and UI on the P12 module is actually pretty cleverly done.

Reminds me: is there a setting somewhere that can make the LPF frequency go up and down not one but more like 5 numbers even with the slightest turn of the knob? My unit seems to do that sometimes, in particular when I really just try to give the knob a gentle touch.

I find this is a trait of all DSI/Sequential synths, certainly of that era. Something to do with the scanning of the pots and ignoring tiny fluctuations so you don’t get parameters changing by themselves. Once the synth thinks you’re deliberately moving that pot then it tends to let you dial in more precise values… but it doesn’t take long for it to timeout and stop precisely reading that specific pot again.

It used to annoy me but I got used to it once I knew it wasn’t a fault with my synth specifically. If anything, it was more of an annoyance on the Prophet 6 where there are no encoders to dial in precise values when needed.

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Yea I get the same quality/behavior on my Pro 2, where it doesn’t bother me, as it pushes me to assign mod wheel and both touch sliders to the filters more, which ultimately gives me better control and more enjoyment. So, at least on the Pro 2, it’s a feature and not a bug.
And for that reason if I got a P12, I’d have to go with the KB version, I suppose.

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Thanks @AdamJay and @Fuseball, good to know. I find it a bit strange and at least this one patch where I noticed the behaviour first it’s a bit irritating cos the track I’m working on is all about subtle movement. So when I start opening the LPF, it shouldn’t jump the way it now does. No doubt there’ll be a way to work around it (modwheel) though and I don’t see this becoming a major issue for me.


I am not experiencing this. I tweak this kind of stuff all the time, and play it pretty close to the numbers.

I mostly use the menu encoders, though, not the specifically dedicated knobs.


Will give this a try, I’ve been using the dedicated knobs for this.

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I did a little brief demo on the Chase Bliss CXM 1978, with only the Prophet 12 on synth. It’s at the far end of the more classic Prophets, no way you can go here with a Prophet 6 or 5 or whatnot (trust me, I’ve tried) -


Pro Tip: My favorite online shop, Detroit Modular, is showing a prophet-12 in stock. I think I’ve also seen one on for a decent price.

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New Demo

BoBSwanS · The Gentle Touch Vol 4 Demo - Sequential Prophet 12 Patches by BoB SwanS

Just uploading them onto Sellfy and updating all my prices and then they will be available :slight_smile:


I got my prophet 12 2 weeks ago and I love it. I put the night sky as a companion and it is so lovely. I bought it on eBay from France (I am in Germany) for 1950€.
And now I heard sequential are going to release a new Synth in Summer. Hope it’s not a new prophet 12. :grin: