Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop

Yeah it’s not a deal breaker as I’m not playing live or anything. With a four-octave keyboard it’d probably get a bit tight anyway. The Matriarch as a midi controller has got a few problems as it is so we’ll see…

Great tips, @Norb!

You can define splits per patch on one midi channel so yeah you’d be grand, pretty cool to just have the top note as a riser or something for smaller keyboards,
Or the bottom C to just be an absolute rumble of doom

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I got inspired by all this bi-timbrality and made this. It’s the Prophet 12 in full swing, bi-timbral, with a little bit of cheating when the pad comes in (that one’s recorded separately). And the noise is field recording stuff -


Sehr gut ghost! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll get me coat.


Haha :laughing: encore!

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That sucks.

My P12 has arrived! My MEK has got a new playmate and I am happy to report that you are all trustworthy people when it comes to synths. :heart: It is really a lovely instrument.

Just spent a couple of hours tweaking and checking out presets, and had to laugh out loud several times from surprise and joy over the strange things happening. This will be fun!


Great combo!

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Hey, congrats on that.
I am also on the fence for a P12. And don’t know if I will like the module version for the tweaking possiblity. I am happy to hear your thoughts on this.

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Oh, I am a proud owner of the pro 3. So the display and menu window is very familiar.

Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face: For what it’s worth (having only had the module since yesterday) I find the module very quick and intuitive to tweak - nothing’s more than two clicks away.


does anyone has the prophet 12 and the rev2? If so how would you compare each other?

There are some pros and cons on each of the synths, but since having a Prophet6 module, I would wear a Sequential tshirt all day long :wink:

So I´m looking to add some more (analog) polysynth flavoure to the P6. And I really like wavetable pads.

I see the hipass filter on the P6 as a really great sound design tool, so thats a + for the P12 and ofcourse the wavetable options are another +

but I never hear lush sounds like in this demo for the Rev2 from the P12 … or can someone point me to a video?

(disclaimer: I know this is a promo video for soundpatches you can buy. But I´m not involved. I just really like the sound it shows)

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Other thing stacking is useful for is for approximating certain FM algorithms. You can essentially go from 4 Op to 8 Op (although there are some limitations as to what you can achieve).
I think you can achieve pretty much all bar 2 of the DX7 6 op algos, but you have to use stacking for some of them.

The FM depth is not as high as most dedicated FM synths (people say you don’t get as many side bands as say a DX7), but you can enhance it by using the mod matrix - if you crank up the FM in the osc settings, but then also set up the mod/carrier pair in the mod matrix. You can even use multiple rows in the matrix with the same source/destination to deepen the FM depth further.


These are extremely nice! My P12 module is arriving on Monday and I can’t wait!

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Thanks, I should have some new demos soon. This thread motivated me to create another set of patches :grin:


edit: gone.


Awesome, look forward to that ! Banks 1,2 & 3 are really great.

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@CrabDust I just bought it thanks for the link!

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Glad it went to someone on here!

So this track probably contains the dumbest, least sophisticated use of the P12 ever (the chords being filtered in after the 1 minute mark), but whatever - I’m a simple man, I like my init patch with a bit of filter on it.

I really like sequencing the P12 from the Digitakt. I got Midi A doing the basic chord progression, then I’ll add various riffs on tracks B and C that I can mute in and out. Super quick and fun to sketch out tracks on this combo.