Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop

Ah crap. The P12 is a bucket-list synth for me. I’ve been getting by atmospherically with my Peak and Micromonsta 2, and have always thought "It’ll be there when I’m ready…” But now DSI has suddenly forced my hand.

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perfect circuit has one right now for $1500, but it’s a demo. has anyone dealt with them? looks like demoes aren’t returnable.

Haven’t dealt with them but it should be under full warranty if it’s a demo and Sequential still support it just fine, even if they’re not making new ones. Snap it up!

Sure, PCA is great. Bought a lot of Euro modules from them when they first went online. Good discounts if you email them and they don’t send you used modules like some others. You can get 10% off a new P12 module (or anything) by just signing up for their newsletter. They only send an email once a week or so, with coupon codes for single products, etc. Sign up at the bottom of their home page.

Detroit Modular has it in stock too. Use LD10 for 10% off.

thanks for the tip. looks like the signup 10% discount doesn’t apply to demoes, though.

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Maybe it’s just me, but I’d pay $45 more for a new one versus a demo.

it’s more like $200. it also looks like used models are about the same price as new.

How do you figure? 10% off 1800 is 180. The demo is only $45 less, and besides, it’s out of stock.

Good luck!

ah, regular price is $1799. demo in stock is $1574. i see what you mean now. we were typing about apples and oranges. all good!

Pro 2s audio input is really great also, I’ve messed a bit with running an old akai sampler for some chromatic 8 voice paraphonic sounds and those filters with some low bitrate samples running through it is really something else… it reminds me I need to do this more.

I’m tempted by the p12 ever so often but of the 2 pro2 definitely speaks to me a bit more can’t really imagine ever ditching it.


I got mine today and it really speaks to me! I’ve barely scratched the surface and it’s already doing some unexpected things.

Following is just a single square osc with some pan spread, and some filter and delay magic. No post processing.

And an attempt at something a little bit more strange. Again, no external effects.


Congrats on your new P12 - it’s deep, and rewards finesse to get the best out of it. I recommend this series of videos on YT to pick up some neat tricks. Here’s the first episode of several:


I managed to bring the price down a fair bit on the condition that I could collect… Went out yesterday and cycled 110 km’s to fetch my new P12!

Took the train home and plugged it into my Keystep 37, initial impressions is that it sounds wonderful and that the UI is actually really well thought out. Got lots more exploring to do…


My interest in this synth went up a lot when I read that Trent Reznor used it extensively on the gone girl soundtrack

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In what range is your units serial number? Mine is in the very low 300s, which surprised me somewhat since according to the last owner it is only about 3 years old. Wondering how many DSI made.

Mine’s in the very low 1000s and was bought new a year and a half ago.


I saw Atticus at a party and before he left I mustered up enough courage to ask him what their favorite synth at the moment was, he said P12. He told me to buy a P12 because below the surface it was incredible.

This was a few years back but he was real stoaked on it.


Ordered. I hate you all.


You will love us. Its like a modular system but cheaper, and fully coherent within itself. 4 envelopes each freely assaignable, 4 LFO, feedback, dual filter , 2x6 voice layering on seperate midi channels. (Pad and Melody over individual outputs) Very accurate oscillators. One of the best synth i ever heared. (compared to Access Virus Ti) Only Waldorf plays in his league - its tons of fun.

You didnt buy one synth, you bought 2. Sits also fine with an Octatrack 4 Stereo Input etc…
Also you can modulate the modulation matrix - freely assignable.


mine should arrive tomorrow. y’all are drug dealers.