Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop

that demo model arrived today. i had about 5 minutes to mess with presets with my son. without even scratching the surface, i can see this thing has potential. plus, this preset name is timely.

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I think the Peak represents a nice middle ground between a bread and butter analog poly like the OB-6, and a deep dive ā€˜modular in a boxā€™ like the Prophet 12.

I agree with your characterless assessment on the Peak. To my ear it sounds clean and crisp, similar to a lot of popular VSTs out today. The P12 has a more unique character, but the character is like marmite (some really hate the Curtis filter sound).

After comparing the two pretty extensively today, I usually preferred the sound of the P12, except for bass patches. If thereā€™s any sound you want a comparison for let me know. I can try to record you something tomorrow.



(Always wanted one of theseā€¦)


I have NO spaceā€¦

hahahaā€¦ thatā€™s what any flat surface is for, yo. not that iā€™m trying to persuade you, butā€¦

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You put it well and maybe Peak is ā€the most sensibleā€ solution for me right now as I seem to go back and forth between a number of synths like Prophet 6, Vermona Perfourmer and now P12 (edit: plus the Matrix 1000, yeah itā€™s definitely GAS). However, I did put out a trade ad on a Finnish gear forum (Peak for P12) to see if anyoneā€™s interested in the swap. Not the first gear-related decision where I kinda let the chips fall where they may.

I think this is what bothers me too. Nothing wrong with VSTs, but with hardware I embrace those imperfections or unexpected behaviours from a patch Iā€™m trying to dial in.

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Hereā€™s a mix of all my demoā€™s just for that extra GAS buildup


Your patches, as well as those by icanhazsynth?, convinced me to buy mine. Saw your posts in the GS thread. Fantastic sound design work!

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the p12 feels ripe for sound design. playing around with it this morning, messing with a simple FM patch, and the operation and UI feel pretty clear. itā€™s this weird little glowing box sitting on the table inviting me to conjure sounds. only minor complains so far: the power connection in the middle of the back is weird, and i wish they omitted the giant glowing 12 on the frontā€¦ feels like a gamer rig staring at me, and itā€™s a waste of electricity.

but this thingā€™s lovely so far.


If AR had poly seq Iā€™d be set for most things


Oh, you didnā€™t. Iā€™ve considered that combo from time to time. P12 into Rytm, Rytm sequencing P12. Delicious mono sampling from the P12 into the Rytm for flavour and texture.

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Exactly. My ā€˜bigā€™ set up has an SLmkiii controlling both - making both instruments very playable live. The keyboard has poly arps as well for such delicious polyrythmic playing my god itā€™s fun.

My even bigger set up uses my X32 rack so I can have the kick on a separate channel side chaining whatever the hell I want. F*** I canā€™t wait for gigging to come back and shake some shiz

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After much deliberation, I went and ordered a Mackie 802-VLZ4 mixer to go with DT + P12. It has 3 stereo line inputs and a send-return, as well as an alt-out for quick 'n easy sampling of any of the mixer channels. Just gotta find a nice reverb unit to put on the sends and I should be set.

Been trying to get away with just using the DT as an interface but itā€™s a bit crippled with the lack of stereo pass through and OB not working yet on Big Sur. Should also be interesting to have the two layers of the P12 on separate mixer channels for EQing, FX and whatnot. I also considered the Bluebox, Model 12 and replacing DT with OT, but this seems like a cheaper and equally good option for my purposes.


As someone who replaced their DT with an OT and was mostly motivated by the need for a mixer ā€¦ I approve this move :slight_smile: Get the OT if you want a performance sampler, if you need a mixer then get that mixer (Occamā€™s razor right?)

Seems like a great setup! Youā€™re not gonna be able to sample the P12 in stereo but that could add to the charm for sure


Trust me when I say, itā€™s charming only for awhile. You want the Prophet 12 in stereo, eventually.

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Ah. Well, for what this workaround is worth, you could sample the P12 in two passes to two different channels: one for the left and one for the right. Would cost you two DT tracks and they may have some differences from the way the Prophet is set up ā€¦ but then you could have complete control over the L/R channels in a powerful way.

It would be sweet if you could pan each oscillator on the P12 but running through the filter prevents that (same with on the Peak). @circuitghost what are some of the ways the Prophet utilizes the stereo field besides the delay?

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I sample on two channels sometimes for that tasty width.

You can pan each voice as well either with pan spread or with an LFOā€¦ I love having the pan spread only kick in on the release of notes so you get width when you let go, same with delays. Ah itā€™s just the best

Itā€™s bi-timbral - you can pan each layer separately and modulate the panning. So you literally have a completely different synth per channel if you want.

I guess thereā€™s the floor :smiley:

Oh shitā€¦ Thatā€™s not even fair. Another day half past midnightā€¦

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iā€™m sketching out a music desk right now, measuring widths and depths of current equipment, because obviously there will be no more than this. a reasonable person, such as myself, does reasonable thingsā€¦