Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop


wooden sides music :slight_smile: :brain: :wolf:

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Nice work trying to get the used prices to drop so we can buy a couple spares. :wink:

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funny that 2020 was a great year to buy instruments second hand, unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you see it, many had to part ways with gear with covid related money issuesā€¦

2021 is already different, I already sold more than I bought.

Studio is slimming down. However this topic doesnt help me, I was lurking in the shadows for a long time regarding the P12, now with the news it wont be produced, itā€™s too tempting to snatch one off the shelf while we still canā€¦

I blame it on you guys.


Stahp !
Yaā€™ll are messing with the second hand market!

Another data point: just got mine and itā€™s in the 1100s.

I donā€™t know how long it was on the shelf (the box had a substantial coating of dust) but doesnā€™t feel like there are a whole lot of these out there.

Iā€™ve heard of P12 keyboard serials in the low 3000ā€™s, for reference.

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Yeah Pro2 signal path is mono up until it hits the delay lines which are stereo, here is a quick example of the super saw sampled and then down sampled for some really noisey dirty play back through it. Pretty fun but also maybe a slightly extreme example.


Haha! Not coming atcha with pitchforks or anything butā€¦ Iā€™m one of those people who was using the rare P12+Digitone combo for a while. In the end, I felt like there was too much sonic overlap between these two instruments, and decided to get rid of one. Hard decision, but the P12 left, the DN stayed. Thereā€™s a lot that I like about the P12 sound, it has this fibrous yet crystalline quality that I definitely miss. But I think I could never get over the Curtis filter sound - just not my bag, I guess. For me, while it doesnā€™t have the same mojo, the DN gets me to similar places and more immediately, plus can get to a lot more rhythmically freaky places the P12 canā€™t get to, owing to that Elektron sequencer goodness.

I love, love, love the Digitone. But I do miss the P12 sometimes. If I didnā€™t have the DN, it definitely would have stayed.

My only remaining Sequential, the OB-6, while objectively more limited than the P-12, will have to be pried out of my dead hands.


Been dreaming of getting my final piece of my musical pie and the OB-6 has been the sonic cherry on top for my analogue poly. I think your right on with it having to be pried from your cold dead hands! Ha!

I might surf the 2 grand polys just to sample and see if I really find myself landing in the same spot as you but I think my 2nd musical memory as a child being rocking out to Van Halenā€™s ā€˜Jumpā€™ pretty much seals my fate as well.

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Yeah, I remember, we had conversarions on this topic on and off. You went that way, I went this way :blush: canā€™t say we didnā€™t both give it our best shot, right? :blush:


Ya. Instruments are very personal. Itā€™s interesting how things that look ideal on paper can end up not clicking for you, or vice versa. I really dig what you are doing with your P12 though. If it fits, wear it out!

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Thank you, thatā€™s very nice of you to say :slight_smile:

It took some time to get to know the Prophet 12, but now itā€™s my longest running synth, with the exception of a Yamaha workstation I had in the 90ā€™s.

I only use about ten presents on it or so, and consider them more like starting points for sound design. No track I make, ever uses the same patch, but they all come from variations based on the same patches. So while itā€™s never the same, thereā€™s a kindred sound spirit among them all. I never save the results either, so if I need to recreate the exact same patch I did for somehing, I canā€™t :slight_smile:

Kind of liberating, actually.


Just wrapped this up. All Prophet 12, processed through some Chase Bliss stuff and the 1010 Blackbox internal fx. Despite processing, I feel the character of this piece wouldnā€™t happen without the Prophet 12 -


Really stoked I own one again (cause of this thread). I canā€™t remember why I sold mine, but now that I own it again itā€™s here to stay! :wink:

Sonically it fits very nicely between the sound of my OB-6 and EFM. Itā€™s nice to see a thread appreciating the sound of the P12!


Iā€™m so close to nabbing one too. I canā€™t remember whatā€™s so bad about the Curtis Filters though. When I listen to demos, the Curtis filters sound cool in a more moody/aggressive way.


Having listened to a lot of P12 this past week I find this a little puzzling myself. Would gladly hear the worst examples of the Curtis sound on the P12! :smile:

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Iā€™m pretty sure the main complaint is how the resonance behaves when pushed, but Iā€™m not a big fan of most filters when the resonance is pushed. The Elektron filters and the SSI2144 filter donā€™t sound good to me with too much resonance.

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There is NOTHING wrong with the Curtis filters.

Sure, there are other filters with this or that character that someone might like a little bit more for some situations.

Internally itā€™s a four pole cascaded filter, so similar to the SSM2040, Roland four pole filters, etc.

People will find anything they can to pick apart something, justify their favorite, etc. IMO theyā€™re all flavors. Sometimes you want one, sometimes you want another. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with any of them. In the context of a generally smooth sounding poly synth, the Curtis sounds great. Even better with the newer vintage controls on some of the Sequentials, and for those that donā€™t have this, the VCM techniques: Prophet Rev2 Synth - Vintage Voice Modeling - Free Patches - YouTube This is for the Rev2, but may apply to others.

A lot of the sound depends on how you drive the filter, gain staging, mixing, etc.

I find it kind of fun to make patches on the Rev2 that people tend to think arenā€™t possible on it. Just takes some time and effort is all. There are other synths that might just be instantaneous to make a certain type of sound, without much effort of course, but I find itā€™s generally possible to make most analog sounds on most analog synths.

Edit: Looks like those VCM methods above wonā€™t work with the P-12 unfortunately, as theyā€™re done with the gated sequencer in the Rev2. However gain staging is much easier on the P-12, so that can help a lot.


Iā€™ve been a champion of Curtis filters forever. Iā€™ll never understand the hate. This really dry, aggressive sound. Makes me miss my Evolver just thinking about itā€¦

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