Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop

Since I did the board swap the only other issue I have come across is that my low pass frequency knob is now a bit looser than all the others due to it being my favourite knob to turn. I spoke to sequential about getting it repaired and they sent me 4 new pots and a load of stickers for free :grin:


Iā€™m on 1043.

I think Iā€™ll replace the board then instead of sending my P12 back to Germany. Thanks for the info dude.

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Grabbed the very last unit @ Detroit Modular, felt very lucky about it.

Cant wait for it to arrive to its last home.

I had dreams of the P12 being processed throught the Hologram Microcosmā€¦

Letā€™s see that pairing materialize soonā€¦

:grimacing: :space_invader: :raccoon:


Do you already have this pedal or did you pre-order it? Mine will arrive in April.

Same boat as you, preordered.

It should be coming in April aswellā€¦

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You bum! (kidding, of course) How do you know it was the last? I noticed it had a ā€œmake offerā€ button on their site, did you utilize that function? Congratulations on the epic pickup.

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This is a is a cool tip. Really enjoying a little bit of noise modulating the filter.

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well, I didnt use that button.

Grabbed mine, then reloaded the page and it said out of stock right away.


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did a quick little thing with p12 and digitakt tonight, minimal processing in ableton, no other effects really, just whatever was in each box and some level adjustment/eq/compression on top. the padā€™s a preset. i only had a little time to mess around.


Hereā€™s something I did yesterday. All synths are Prophet 12. Leads, pads, chords, blips and blops. Some Chase Bliss processing, a little DFAM for low end thump and field recordings from the river where I live, as winterā€™s last snow fell over the water.


I wish more people would use the DFAM in a subdued way like this. It has so much potential for deep bass and heartbeats.



Thank you. Totally agree. Itā€™s great at those soft and subtle low end beats that just cut through but remain discreet. Itā€™s really good as a soft noise machine as well, and when you couple that with the sequencer and apply modulation to it, you get something really nice and organic out of it.

I sometimes consider getting one again for those reasons, but still get mileage out of the samples I recorded from it when I had one. So, no.


mine is hooked up and singingā€¦ love my little desktop

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I broke down and ordered one on March 8th, however now Iā€™m afraid it may be lost in transit (VA to WA). It shows that it has been sitting in Chicago for over a week and 3 calls to FedEx (donā€™t get me started) have been fruitless.

Oh my! This is worst nightmare territory. Stay strong, these things usually have a way of ironing themselves out. Iā€™ve had packages get stuck in strange loops, or forgotten in a corner for a while. I hope it gets sorted out soon.


Speaking as a Chicagoan, this is a black hole of mail and package delivery. Tracking that was progressing like clockwork will suddenly vanish when it hits the city. Packages I send wonā€™t have any tracking information right up until they magically show up on the doorstep.

Good news, though. Itā€™s slow and all a bit of a mess, but I ship and receive a fair amount and havenā€™t yet had a package legit go missing. Hang in there!

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Been rocking my Pro 2 after not having it for a few weeks (which was preceded by not using it for a couple months).

In so many ways it makes me want a P12 module, but then I also get these affirmations that in most instances, itā€™s actually more than enough. The superwaves and paraphonic mode really are a great pair. I like treating the OSC tunings as a chord mode of sorts.

This is just to say, if youā€™re looking for a P12, but maybe you want a keyboard but the large P12 keybed is too much, and maybe you make technoā€¦ donā€™t forget about the Pro 2 as a similar enough option for many situations that donā€™t rely on bi-timbral capability.


Very happy to report, btw, that the new board from Sequential was a super easy swap and works perfectly.

I have to admit, the experience sort of soured me on ordering with Thomann. Their response time to my initial ticket took multiple days, they requested video evidence of the issue (I was happy to do it, of course, but within 24 hours of taking delivery should be a no questions asked return or replacement IMO). They say that B stock might have some minor imperfections but a non-functioning feature like an entire LFO menu is a pretty big miss.

On the other hand, Iā€™m glad I went with Sequentialā€™s support and a board swap instead. Iā€™m certain this relieves me of any warranty I had with Thomann, but my experience with DSI was superb.

As I mentioned in another post, the P12 module basically replaces in my setup the Digitone. The two instruments are really apples and oranges, two entirely different forms of synthesis fundamentally. I found myself sort of lost in FM, it was difficult for me to feel inspired as I algorithmically tried to build up a sound there. The P12 on the other hand is happy to give you a slab of marble and let you chisel away, shaping it in a way that feels more artistic to me. I feel more personally connected, more like my decisions have impact here. On the Digitone I often felt likeā€¦ ā€œokay, well, Iā€™ll twist this knob and change the B2 factor, whatever that is, oh! it changes two numbers at onceā€¦ no, too tinnyā€¦ change it backā€¦ā€ and so on. Not to mention only having two LFOs, no way to easily change the parameters of the FM algo plus the filters at the same time (boy how I would have appreciated this!), etc. In contrast, the P12ā€™s menu is arguably less ā€œrichā€ but oftentimes far more usable in practiceā€¦ I donā€™t think Iā€™ll miss the DNā€™s sequencer, nice as it was to have, I have other things serving that purpose and honestly it is such a big part of the Digitone (and Elektron boxes in general) that I felt almost guilty from how much I didnā€™t really like it.

I havenā€™t played too much with the character controls, but Iā€™m happy they are there even if on some patches they come across as a little thin. The distortion is OK, has a bit of fuzz but still pretty smooth IMO. I think I will still rely on outboard effects for those velvety black noises but perhaps I have to go deeper to help the P12 along when it comes to decimation. We will see.

Overall Iā€™m really, really glad to have one of these on my desk, though.


Let us know how you like the P12 version of FM. I think thereā€™s even a utility/function to import DX7 presets into it.

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