Sequential discontinuing the Prophet 12 Desktop

Does anyone else have the thing where the LFO LEDs kind of glow bright/stop blinking in time while turning any of the pots? When turning either of the filter cutoffs, for example? It’s not a big problem, but seems weird.

My LFO leds are constantly blinking in time with their set frequency. Don’t get any kind of change in behaviour from turning knobs.

@gradient I’m glad to hear it’s worked out for you. FM is definitely a lot less about chiseling away, and a lot more about meticulously planning things out. I find FM easier on the P12 because you get more direct control over the oscillator relations. I recommend setting up a template for it and messing around with that.

@circuitghost I am trying to find a post that I think was yours… a nice big MIDI keyboard you use to play your synth modules? If it was not you, my bad!

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Hey, you’re right, that was me. Behold -


That midi keyboard, IS AN ABSOLUTE UNIT.


It’s quite lovely, isn’t it?


It just looks so inviting!


Oh wow! First Dave Smith / Sequential Midi Keyboard tribute edition? Looks really nice! Just missing the logo as on the prophets :smiley:


That’s a thing of beauty.

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It’s by Extra Deluxe if anyone was wondering:


Thank you sir!

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Yep, and I can vouch for them @ExtraDeluxeMfg people - super friendly, very communicative and went the extra mile to ship this behemoth to Sweden, all the way from Brooklyn, NY.

Absolutely gorgeous my friend


Thanks :slight_smile: all credit goes to the artisans at Extra Deluge Mfg. The no nonsense beauty of this board is a timeless thing.

Freudian slip :wink:


I am assuming the pro grade keybed they refer to is a Fatar?

Yep. Same as in Prophet 6, I think.

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If you’re still on the fence, this one’s all Prophet 12, through the Blackbox sampler with some field recordings to boost -


Very nice! Like the continuous pad on the background a lot, very tape-like glitchy sound. Well done!

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You keep pulling me back in, dude! :smiley: Thought I was over the P12 GAS phase but I suppose GAS is eternal. Still looking for a P6 primarily tho.

The track is very nice! The sound that is almost like a kick around the 2:30 mark - that’s a field recording? For me it’s things like that (using field recordings as rhythmic elements, for example) that make your music stand out and remain interesting through long-ish and fairly minimalistic tracks.

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