Sequential mode not advancing


when I use the sequencer in sequential mode and I try to switch between pattern a01 and a02. th pattern doesn’t change at the end of the sequence. the indicator in the screen stays blinking and switches between a01 and a02 but doesn’t actually change the pattern it seems to be hanging between the 2 patterns. Can anyone help me to fix this I can’t figure it out :frowning:

not sure what sequential mode is… could it be that you have song mode or pattern chain active?

Sequential mode is just the standard mode, not direct start or direct jump mode or temp jump.

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Your master length with determine the pattern length when it changes if change length is not set

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so if my master lengt is set to inf, the trigger for changing the pattern will not come?

Yes correct… set your change length to when you want it to change if using inf master length…

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thank you

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