Sequential Pro 3

Gotta say, is rad! Been messing with it for a week or so and loving it. Shit gets weird fast…in a good way. I haven’t encountered any bugs yet but I haven’t meticulously checked every feature. I’d recommend this to anyone with a pro3. Adds a lot of mileage per patch.

How did you upload the firmware? For some reason I’m having trouble finding out the steps. Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places?

It was a little odd. I went to the user forum section of the sequential site and then to the pro3 section of that. In there was a topic for that firmware update with download links for the firmware and documentation with instructions.
Note: contrary to the usual instructions for sequential updates, this particular one was a single file (I think it was called “main”) rather than the usual two which need to be done in specific order. I was a little nervous doing it that way since there was no documentation specific to it but it worked without issue.
Also for whatever it’s worth, I did it over usb on a Mac running os 10.12. I can’t speak for other methods.

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Nothing wrong with the info from @blurrghost – just expanding on it a bit.

Download the OS and instructions from here (you’ll need a forum account): Newest Pro3 BETA OS Main

Transfer the OS to the Pro-3 using a sysex transfer utility. You want to use USB MIDI and not DIN.

After installation, be sure to perform the ‘Reset Globals’ function on the Pro-3 within the Global menu and perform a calibration. The included docs cover all of it. Really nothing to it once you’ve gone thru it.


Much more clear and succinct explanation from @sl1200mk2 :+1:
Do what he said.


I really like this demo because you can see very clearly the real-time workflow and operations on the screen. Plus, he didn’t remind me to like and subscribe as if it’s my first time on the internet and my life isn’t already filled with enough solicitation. I’d written off the Pro-3, but now I’m writing it back in. Are there any other similar sequencer-oriented workflow demos to recommend? I don’t mean a loopop- or Nick-style comprehensive, but a practical session whose moves are all clear and not too fast or slow.

That’s why I posted it. I haven’t searched in great detail, but that’s the best video I’ve seen around the sequencer. I have a Pro 3 and I really haven’t given the sequencer that much attention, but this really made me take notice. In general the synth is incredibly (infinitely) more capable than I am, but some of these videos shed light on what it can do.

Does the sequencer record MIDI coming in from an external sequencer?

No, not that I’m aware of, however, it can send midi out to external sources.

Actually, is there any synth whose onboard sequencer will load notes and pitch bends sent from a external sequencer?

Found via MatrixSynth. Video title is clickbaity but the description sounds like he’s sincerely exploring his Pro 3 as a replacement for his Eurorack system.


Page 115 of the user’s guide is the section “Syncing the Sequencer with an External MIDI Device.” If I do that setup, can I then control the sequencer’s progress by sending it external MIDI ticks? At 24 ticks per beat, I’d like to know if, by metering the ticks, I can likewise meter the sequencer, and the Pro-3 doesn’t need to bother with what the BPM actually is. I’d send the ticks separately from any MIDI start, stop, or continue.

this is quite odd tho, isn’t it? I had to follow the same process for OB6 and Prophet 5 updates. had to create a forum account too. if a firmware release is made public, shouldn’t there be a public link somewhere? :thinking:

You would think so. I don’t recall off hand but it might technically be in “beta” still.

I doubt that this will work because MIDI gear usually uses a time-average of incoming clock ticks to calculate overall tempo.

I recommend that you look at the Pro 3’s Trigger modes (manual, pages 60 and 61) to get the same effect by response to key presses or perhaps incoming audio, MIDI, or Control Voltage. The Evolvers can do this but I’m not sure about the Pro 3.


Just droppin’ this here, because belonging.


this might be a strange question but why is the price of the Pro 3 much lower than the Prophet 6 or OB-6

Because it is mono, one filter,set of envelopes, lfos vs six of each in the other synths.


It may also have to do with the electronics. The OB-6 and P6 have discrete circuitry, with transistors, op amps, etc, and actual cards for each voice.

And of course the Pro 3 is mono, as the OB-6 & P6 are polyphonic.

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