Sequential resumes Prophet-5

That’s great!

Very cool. I like the looks of this.

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So now I can polychain and make a prophet 20. Hahah


This is the stuff dreams are made of.


CRAZY we have desktop options!!! An orchestra of Prophet-5 would be something else. Big City Music has a good price for the keyboard versions on their website and I’m on the fence between keys and desktop but I think the keys is the way to go for this instrument.

$2499 eh?
That’s $200 more than the MAP for the OB-6 desktop.

5 thick voices.
Vintage mode. If you play fast stick to rev 3-4 range.
Switchable filter modes 1/2 to rev3.3.
It’s a higher output synth than the prophet 6.

Two different machines though

I predicted $2500-$2900 in this older post - you at the time seemed to agree with my prediction. :kissing_heart:

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$2500 to $2900 were your predictions.

Glad it is on the low side.

My Pro 2 wants this as it’s upstairs neighbor sooooo bad.

Edit, ahh you beat me to it

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Looks like we’re even. :rofl:

I’m still waiting for my Osmose to arrive, and in the meantime am still learning how to use my Matriarch and MC-101, with Octatrack (hello old friend!) next in line with the newest OS. After all this upcoming activity, I might be too occupied with making music to plan for yet another synth to arrive.

Still, nice to see Sequential moving along with these desktops.


looks gorgeous. Better than the keyboard version :slight_smile: one can dream


yeah they have 10% off right now (maybe for all of January?). and I think they don’t include taxes. anyway, it’s damn tempting…

also I agree. keys are the way to go for such a classic instrument. if you have the space, of course. my problem is justifying it next to a Prophet Rev2. could be fun having a battle royale between them for a couple weeks though! :fist_right::fist_left:

Now that the hype has somewhat settled on this, I’m trying to remind myself why I’d go for this instead of a Prophet 6. I’m making it a challenge to remember without googling or backtracking this thread the pros of the Prophet 5 over the Prophet 6, but I’m drawing a blank :slight_smile:

And I’m not posting this to get reminded, though I’m sure some of you will take the opportunity to, and if you do, I don’t mind.

this may have been posted above (quick scroll didn’t see it) but here’s a good comparison. bear in mind though: this is before the vintage knob firmware for the P6 was released.



Damn. Those filters. I made the blind test and nailed the Prophet 5 / 10 every time, to my dismay since I clearly preferred that one. Dismay cause it’s bleedin’ expensive :slight_smile:


Yep me too (did the blind test), i was hoping the difference would be negligible but i prefer the P5.

It’s not even that the P6 filter is bad.
Folks love it in the AS1 and Pro 2.

But the P5 filters are just sooooo good.
I feel bad for the P6. Once mighty, now diminished because the king has come back to the throne. Thanks for keeping it warm, I guess.


Mine was an early P10 recalled and no rattling screws on return. I don’t see why the desktop versions would have any of the keyboard problems, even if they stopped using Loctite (which they haven’t.)

The rattling screws is from the screws going into the keybed spring. If you use loctite it will go away.


Yeah, there’s a lot of complaints from release being repeated, but processes got fixed quickly.

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