Sequential resumes Prophet-5

I sees J3PO vid, I clicks. No questions asked

Quick summary:

P6 - Arp, sequencer, FX, bit more modulation options/routing, newer design VCOs, HPF
P5 - No arp, no sequencer, no FX, P5 Rev3 VCOs and filters, new Rossum-designed 2140 filters

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I can appreciate that the Prophet 5 does almost nothing but just sound damn good. No effects, no goddam sequencer, it’s like the piano equivalent of a synth. Just sit down and play it, no hiding behind features on features.

I did the blind test again, thinking I was just lucky. But nope, the difference is there and while I’m struggling to put it in words, there’s no doubt I prefer the Prophet 5.

I’m not gonna get one, but it really warms my heart that it exists. And that people buy it and love it.


I knew that I should have muted this thread… … … .


Oh, dear. Local pimp just got one now. Even gave me a call. ”I’m just saying, in case you’re curious … I know you’re not looking. But we got one, in case, you know …”


My thoughts exactly.

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What is it about the P5 sound that couldn’t be achieved with a little more processing on the P6 (like very subtle chorus or mid/side distortion?

Hey - I thought I sold the PX quite good to you but obviously not good enough :laughing:

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You get an A for effort and beer’s on me if we ever run into each other for real :blush:

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the triangle wave. it’s beaffier on the p5. on the p6 it is buzzy, more harmonics to shape the sound, but less beaf. that’s why the p6 benefits from a sub osc and also has a bigger variety of sound but the p5 can produce incredible basses even without a sub osc.

also the filter variety of colors and response.

main differencies imho


J3PO did a thorough job of comparing P6 and P10 side by side, though as chiasticon mentioned the video was made before the Vintage knob feature was added to P6. The triangle oscillator comparison stood out for me too. But there are a bunch of other differences that he demos that can be heard as well.

He pointed out some techniques and sounds that the P6 can do that the P10 can’t as well. One thing that comes to mind is the implementation of glide.

I totally feel what he says about trying both in person. Went through a similar thing with my Matriarch - sounded great in Youtube videos, Bandcamp tracks, etc. but none of those online sounds came close to actually playing the Matriarch in person.

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I think that’s a very fitting description for anything Sequential as well. The presence of those synths … nothing like it, when you play them for real.


I’d love for J3PO to do a follow up video comparing Vintage knob sounds on P6 and P10.

Good thing I don’t consider myself a “real keyboardist ™”. It’d be tougher to decide between the P6 Glide Sauce and the P10 raw tone and polyphony for great-sounding extended chords.

Of course MPE heads would choose neither keyboard, but lean towards P6 desktop at present.

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I pulled the trigger on a Prophet-5 keyboard. Big City Music did not charge me tax, great price!

I am EXCITED! :exploding_head:


Yep. I don’t know if it’s psychological, but I think my P6 (and OB6) sound much better since I’ve updated them and turned vintage on :grinning:


Did you hear how he compared Tom Sawyer patches? The Vintage knob support on the P10 made a huge difference vs. the P6 version, which didn’t have Vintage knob yet.

That is one of the comparisons I would like him to revisit

Don’t forget: P6 is stereo

Maybe not a big deal to some but I really like that aspect. In the J3PO video on the Tom Sawyer patch the sound of the P5 patch with vintage turned up sounded cooler than the P6 version…until he turned on stereo on the P6. To me that wide stereo sound is just killer. And now with the P6 getting the the vintage knob as a firmware upgrade, to me it’s still P6 all the way.

But they are both awesome and the differences are subtle. I could easily see the P5 being the choice for some just because it has a selection of filters.

Now, if they made a synth with a switch so you could choose a Prophet filter or an OB filter… that would be the one poly to rule them all IMO

[EDIT] missed a word

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yeah, I posted that before I watched the J3PO video and was reminded by the guy that P6 is stereo.

I still preferred the P5 Tom Sawyer but, hey, some people like peanut butter and other people like chocolate.