Sequential resumes Prophet-5

agreed. and Deckard’s doesn’t to me, but everyone’s different…

As someone who uses a deckards dream occasionally it is really something, only things that really bug me about it is I would need to buy the expander for that ring mod (which is another 1,200 about) and that some of the parameters are organ style (true to the original). While I am sure if you use it all the time you get used to it but I 100% of the time move them the wrong direction first even after playing it for an hour straight. Kijimi calls to me more, such flexibility in that fully exposed mod matrix.

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I’m surprised you weren’t impressed with the sound of the Deckard’s. To me they have a lot in common in terms of core sound character. They both have an amazing ability to make simple sounds really compelling and charming. Did you have a chance to play with one in person?

Thank you :pray: how can I stay grounded when people like you say such nice things? Time to go bananas :clown_face:

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Yeah, I’ve calmed down now. If I do go crazy, it’ll be because of the Prophet.

I fight with my conscience if I should go crazy with a P6 module or matriarch.
P10 and Deckards are the next step of crazyness :upside_down_face:
But I’m looking forward to your P10 tunes

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Matriarch :white_check_mark:
Prophet 6 NEXT :smirk:

(Sold my Peak yesterday.)

It’s a close race between P6 and P5 in my books, and a lot more P6s available second hand (though not very many), so it’s an easy decision for me.


Yeah, there’s too much going on in the P6 I wouldn’t use, and the different filters in the P5 … that’s where I’ll go looking for magic :star: I appreciate the encouragment, that’s very kind of you :blush:

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And it’ll be the five voice version. Won’t be needing more, often enough to justify the price. In fact, I can see all those voices getting in the way, considering how I usually modulate the release quite heavily.

Did you already have a chance to try one in person? Sounds like you made a decision to get one already. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have not. so maybe my opinion of it would change if I did. but in my experience, if I’m “meh” about it from demos, it’s unlikely to be any different in person.

I’m guessing you know this, but this is not possible in the P5 directly. have to use midi. but yeah… I love doing the same :upside_down_face:

Nope. I’m just gonna go for it, guns blazing, into the sun.

And yep, @chiasticon I don’t expect much from the Prophet 5’s own modulation, but I’m usually my own LFO anyway :slight_smile: tweaking them knobs live as the jamming goes on and on.


If the damn thing ever reaches Europe, that is. Best case scenario seems to be to get one mid April now.

Having a Matriarch helped me leave the keyboard section of Chuck Levin’s without additional damage to my credit card balance.

But out of that section that included P6, P12, Moog One, P5… it was the P5 that purred the most seductively to me.

you must have went to perfect circuit?..

I went to play a 5 or 10 today at guitar center in Westwood…
no prophets anywhere…

might get to perfect circuit next week

Oh, man. Saw the Prophet 5 live now, the keyboard version. I was dead set on the module, but now, I don’t know … I mean, I’m a keyboard player, so it would make sense, but I just don’t have the space for it.

Doesn’t help that the missus goes, “Honey, this keyboard … it’s you.”

Damn it.


At least she didn’t say the 10 voice version is me. There’s always that.


I just received my Prophet-5 a couple days ago and I’m totally in love. Seriously. This thing is absolutely beautiful and is so much fun to play. It just feels so inviting and inspiring to play. And all of the sounds that come out of it are great. I should stop gushing, but this is one of the best purchases I’ve ever made.


Mate of mine got a Prophet 6 not long ago. I used to have one, way back (in relation to how long it’s been out), and just played it for half an hour or so now, cause it’s always a treat.

I came away from it thinking, “Why would I go for a Prophet 5, when I can get this for the same or a lower price?”

It’s like, I’ve seen the videos on the comparisons and heard the demos, and I’ve bought into it, but with some perspective and just taking a step back, I’m thinking - “Really? Isn’t this just a lower speced Prophet 6, tho?” Filters apart, that is.

It’s not like you can’t hear the difference. In a comparison. In a perfectly set up studio environment.

But can you, really? In the contexts where it matters? Like in a mix, on stage, while playing with the band?

Ah, the ambivalence. And I thought I’ve made a decision and all.

EDIT: The difference matters. I know that for a fact now :slight_smile: at least, it’s a fact for me :slight_smile:


in context where it matters could be in a mix, on stage, while playing with a band, or it could be at the point where your hands, head, heart, eyes, and ears are all in alignment which at least in my case no matter what the instrument is at the time of creation when I’m satisfying myself and not others, which I personally think translates better to the times when I’m working for others or playing for others

I think there is something real there, or we wouldn’t have to exclaim that we can’t believe it’s not butter!

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