Sequential resumes Prophet-5

love your patch videos. I don’t need to hear more 80s pop sounds with these synths


Especially the Sequential ones. Most overpriced piece of wood and metal I’ve ever come across.



I almost broke my mouse clicking the thumbs up when I heard that Terminator patch.

That aside, I’m almost nervous to finally hear a demo that’s about more than just brassy, '80s sounds. I don’t want to let this synth get stuck in my head.

edit: oh crap. I shouldn’t have listened to this. This synth sounds goooood. But, I already knew that, right??


So the Prophet 6’s Glide functionality as cited by J3PO is not a factor for you?

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yes. I feel this with the Rev2 and OB6 often. I love their additional features, but the P5 just hits the sweet spot for me so much quicker and more fully. it’s hard not to make a patch I love.

beautiful track! and congrats! (I knew you’d cave)


Nope, didn’t even consider it. I almost never use glide, tho. Having said that, I do prefer the Prophet 5 glide :blush:

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to save me from combing through his video for this detail, what is the difference?

I forgot that he didn’t have the direct link in the video, and was having a harder time than expected finding.

Luckily for you, I stumbled upon the exact timestamp. 28:00 for the Glide Sauce. I was about to give up and leave you hanging.


haha I liked your original post; that I was being… we’ll say “outlandish” by asking you to find something you yourself brought up :rofl:

anyway I still had to do the work. because saying “the glide’s different, because you can’t do this…” then playing some chords doesn’t in any way explain how they’re different. so fail for J3PO there. he does say he talked about it earlier, though…

anyway, checking the manuals, it’s like the OB6 and Rev2: there’s four different glide modes, versus just one for the P5. which one the P5 uses, I dunno… I’m no polyphonic glide expert! :crazy_face: I did notice the response of it is different but I haven’t used it enough to get to the bottom of exactly how.

also lol “glide sauce” :blush:

Well, to be clear I wasn’t trying to sell anyone on the Glide Sauce.

I was just curious about circuitghost’s take because he’s more of a real keyboard player than I am.

It’d be awesome if we could all be in the room with J3PO and get him to convince us that he really cannot recreate Glide Sauce on his P10.

then as he works the P10, one of us can be like - “yo, you didn’t press those buttons and twist these knobs”, then he’d be like “Yo, I gots the Glide Sauce now! Holy Crap!”


Are these factory presets in those slots —I have different sounds in the P5 keyboard slots to you?

The difference is P6 has legato glide mode. That means if you play legato it will glide, and if you don’t it won’t. On P5, the glide is just gonna glide…

J3PO has another shorter video just on the P6 about the glide modes, that one is much more informative on this topic than the “glide sauce” discussion on the P5 video. (Not a criticism, I love all of his videos!)


As a keyboardist for 40 years that Glide mode on the P6 to me is a killer feature.

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Meanwhile …

(there’s a little bit of glide in there)


Awesome sounds, great work! Agree with @Unifono 100% that we don’t need another ”look, the Prophet can do all these 80s pop songs” video.

Then again, a video like this is the last thing I should be looking at right now. :smiley:


Richard Barbieri (Japan) does Analord IDM on Prophet 5 rev 4. This guy is still a generation ahead of the majority of todays IDM Sound designers


P5 keyboard AND P5 desktop!

Damn, now he’s got me thinking P10 desktop

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You know, I think the P10 might get a bit messy. All those voices, seems like they might mud things up. Even if I could afford it (I can’t), I don’t think I’d go for the P10.

Yeah, but it’s either get that or two P5s to do the Richard Barbieri thing

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