Sequential resumes Prophet-5

Good for Dave.

My broke self will have to continue playing Repro-5 with my MIDI mapped Pro 2.

But if I came into a few grand, I can’t think of a better 61 key analog poly to own.


That may be true for some.

For others, the P-5’s feature set and specs may outweigh the P-6 feature set. I see this type of reaction on another forum that caters to a different demographic than this one - people who don’t care for onboard sequencers/arps or even onboard FX and lean nostalgic in synth tastes.


curious… are the envelopes and LFO’s digital or analog? I believe the P6, Rev2, OB6 (and others I think) have digital versions of these. not sure that it really matters, but just curious how true it stays to the original(s).

Please let P6 second hand prices go down :pray:


From the video: «Every synth that’s not a monosynth is basically a version of the Prophet-5»
-Dave «Kanye» Smith

Edit: ah, of course he’s talking about his own back catalog :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Selectable filters. Oh man my finger is shaking on the buy button.

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Good question. I’m sure somebody will figure out the answer soon enough.


MIDI CC and NRPN supported :smiley:


5 octaves…now that is the only thing i get frustrated with on my P6…lack of playing range!

Good for Dave Smith on doing the 5&10


“Special thanks to Robert Rich for the alternative tunings content”

“Appendix D: Alternative Tunings
By default, the Prophet-5 is set to standard, chromatic western tuning.
Additionally, it supports up to 16 additional alternative tunings, which
you can access using the alt tuning parameter in the globals section.
These 16 alternative tunings range from Equal temperament to Indonesian Gamelan tunings. If you want, you can replace these with other tunings that you can find on the Internet. These must be in SysEx format.
You can download them into the Prophet-5 using SysEx Librarian for
Mac or MIDI-OX for Windows.
Here are descriptions of the alternative tunings.”

:heart_eyes: :partying_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Regarding the question about digital envelope… the filter envelope section says something about Curtis envelope generator for Rev3. So maybe analog?


Octatrack users will be happy :alien: :kiss: :smiley_cat:


I like him re-telling going to NAMM to sell it for the first time. then after all the excitement: “oh shit we actually have to build these now!”


I’m in that camp. Won’t ever afford this, but this is like the antiMoog One. Which I consider to be an abomination.


Not to be THAT guy but the OBX-a made almost all the sounds on “Into the gap” :grimacing:


Oh goddamnit Dave ! What have you done !
Just stop already :rofl:
I started this year having to snag a KARP 2600 FS & now at the end of the year you dangle a Rev.4 Prophet 5 in front of me too. :smile: Guess I’ll have to get that too … must…resist …( I wanted a bloody Buchla actually …What a decision ! ) :smile:

buy my Easel so I can snag this…? :thinking:


You might be right. I was like 12 when I read that newspaper article. That was a long, long time ago.

I remember Tom Bailey mentioned at least one other synth but the only one I remember is Prophet 5. I honestly don’t know why that stuck in my memory and Oberheim didn’t. And I’m a huge Oberheim fan actually.

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I am so glad Dave decided to do this. It really is a great gift from him. And the selectable filters is the best part for me.

Good for Dave! I hope these things sell like hotcakes.

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This… is just amazing.