Sequential resumes Prophet-5

@circuitghost Can I polysequence my P10 with Octatrack? For fx chords? I know its possible with multiple tracks, but is it very cumbersome?

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As far as I recall, one Octatrack midi track has a polyphony of four notes. So that sounds totally doable.

I used to record midi straight from a keyboard into the Otrack when I had one and just play it back after that. If I didn’t get it right, just recording it again was easier than editing the results. The OT’s not friendly for finer editing points on chords, harmonics, progression and stuff. But it’s all there and all possible.

it is BUT they all start and stop at the same time. it’s kind of like “chord memory” on a poly synth, where you can memorize a chord using intervals, then play various keys with one finger and it plays the other notes as offsets from the root note. but again, they all start/stop at once.

when I sequenced with an OT I would use this and then another track (assigned to the same midi channel) to play a monophonic line over top of it. a really fun limitation to try and work with.


But doesn’t the sustain overlap? Or does any midi note event reset all ongoing notes?

Yes. (On the same MIDI track. One could use multiple MIDI tracks to have overlapping notes)


And I never noticed. Had the OT for years. I’ll get my coat, show myself out.


yes. thanks for clarifying.

I believe (though I’ve never tried it) that the DN has true polyphonic midi sequencing, fwiw. obviously this wasn’t asked… just pointing out that such a thing IS in the Elektron universe.

Well, at least you were saved the trouble of re-buying the OT. :laughing:

You use the Deluge for sequencing, right? Or is all your P5 stuff manually played?

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AFAIK, the DT and DN both allow for overlapping notes. That being said, they are still step sequencers. Each note in the chord happens at the same time with the same velocity. The resolution/density of neighboring notes depends on your step resolution. Compare that to linear sequencers, e.g. Blackbox, Deluge - they are what I’d call “true polyphonic sequencing”.

Of course, the difference may be subtle/negligible depending on your style. I don’t have a P5 so can’t comment how much one would miss out sequencing from an OT. Based on all the comments about how “piano-like” this synth is, I know I’d want a linear sequencer :slight_smile:

to make it even more confusing: I sequence with a Cirklon. which is a step-sequencer interface, but truly polyphonic. each note is its own event, complete with length, velocity, etc… I sort of assumed DN’s poly sequencing did something along these lines. but sounds like no.

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When I use a midi sequencer, it’s the Deluge. But so far, what little I’ve done with the P5 has been live, recorded as separate takes into the Blackbox.

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Just rearranged my little homestudio, so I can play with these two together tomorrow. Hoping the OT midi seq will be enough for me.


I am curious to hear how your OT and Prophet get along. That information would be relevant to my interests, while also painful to my bank account.


Looks awesome!

And yes, let us know how it goes. Lots of fun exploring to be had with the OT arp + lfos/plocks. As mentioned, you could use multiple OT MIDI tracks to have overlapping notes. Heck, I’d want to try using 1 voice per track over 5 OT midi tracks, all with different track length :exploding_head:

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In case anyone wants to know, I emailed Sequential awhile back and asked a few questions.

P5/10 has NO cool audio chips and uses the SSI2164 for all VCA duties. The Pro 3 also uses SSI2164 VCA chips.


this is my kind of studio setup. $6k in machines. $5 chair.



Now who takes up the challenge to try the opposite – a heap of Behringer stuff on fancy Vitra furniture? :rofl:


Hey hey now.


I stand corrected! it’s a $200 chair! didn’t know it was something fancy!

fwiw, I’m sitting in a $50 chair I bought over fifteen years ago, in a studio filled with much more synths. so I’m not talking trash. this is about priorities.


I hear ya. My wife bought the chair - couldn’t care less, except that I payed for it :relieved: