Sequential resumes Prophet-5

My thoughts exactly. Except that the P12 module is actually pretty small.

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due to the architecture there is no way for sequential to add more voices to the P5 is that correct?

Don’t know if you meant to reply to me as my post was actually a comment on @circuitghost’s setup but there was talk in this very thread that the P5 might be upgradable with more voices. I believe it was @chiasticon who referenced some MW forum chatter that a Sequential employee had all but confirmed this as a possibility at some point. After all there was an expander kit for the Prophet Rev2.


oops sorry bout that, but thank you cause I thought I had read something like that here but couldn’t remember from whom…

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it was me. and I tracked it down, since I feel like I’ve mentioned it a few times here…

I said: “I’ve seen it mentioned that this question has been avoided by Sequential so maybe you won’t answer… but is there going to be a voice upgrade option? if I buy the 5 voice, can I turn it into a 10 voice later? and will you also include the little “Prophet 10” placard with the five voice upgrade kit?”

and he replied: “Haven’t been avoiding it, just don’t have a solid answer to give at this time. It is being discussed”

this was on October 6th, 2020.


I raised a support ticket to ask if technically possible

Hi David,
Yes, it is technically possible.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Sequential LLC

Hi xxxxx
I know you don’t offer it –but is it i technically possible? –as panels are the same between the P5-P10
Are they incorrect in that assumption?
Thanks Dave B


Threw in the board as well now. But the Deluge had to go, to make room for it.


Looks like you just need another stand, like the P5 is sitting on :wink:

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Well, it’s not gone gone :blush: just not around right now.


Feeling a bit stupid to ask, but what’s the poor synth everything is standing on? Or is it a pretty master keyboard?

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It’s about time you got rid of that Deluge thing, or whatever it was. We weren’t going to say anything, but it really rubbed all of us the wrong way.

Oh wait, never mind, forget what I said about that awesome Deluge.

It’s a pretty master keyboard from @ExtraDeluxeMfg :sunglasses:

It heard you. And like any modern kit, it’s now offended.

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Well, I had to get cancelled sometime.

Does anyone with a prophet 5/10 rev4 experience noise from filter 3, triggering the envelope, with both oscillators and noise turned all the way down?

My filter 3 gives mich more noise than 1/2 in this scenario. :face_with_monocle:

Haven’t noticed but haven’t actively listened. I’ll check and get back to you.

Yep, I got that noise, too. It’s pretty damn subtle, but it’s there.

@circuitghost Ok, I dont find it subtle at all, when volume is on half. Your filter 3 also gives more noise than filter 1/2? Thanks, I really appreciate your time.

Yes, filter 1/2 is quiet, filter 3 gives this noise, but I really can’t hear it when I work the oscillators, it’s only when they’re totally quiet and the envelope is triggered.

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