Sequential resumes Prophet-5

The funny thing about the Prophet-5 is that it doesn’t seem to translate well over social media… but yet I’ve talked to serveral people (ok, maybe two) who will die for their P5 (keyboard version)

It seems that the magic lies in the interaction with the synth. Cause when I hear demos of it, I kinda go “meh”

make that three :grin: , I can’t say I hear it the same way though, I love the way it’s translated via any of the clips I’ve posted in this thread but I do agree that it’s far better in person but most instruments are aren’t they… if I’m ever homeless I’ll be sleeping on this thing

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i think for me it has more to do with the sound to cost ratio… its sounds great. but for the cost, i don’t see it doing anything that much cheaper synths can´t do… but i think that my logic here is flawed, because what im realizing is that it might not meant to be a bang for buck type of synth, rather a instrument.

with that said i could never see myself buying this synth, because while i want an instrument, my instrument have to tick a lot of technical boxes, which for me the P5 doesn’t do.

It just isnt for me :smiley:

I hear ya… it’s just one of those magical things about music I guess, we never know how an instrument is going to impact us until it does or doesn’t but I think that’s an important part of what makes music so special for us as musicians… the other synth I love is the Roland Rs-505 and the way it speaks to me is just something that I can’t articulate in words… whatever the instrument I think we are lucky

The P5/10 is, as always, a great instrument if it’s in the right environment and in the right style. I like the sound of the P5. But I’m not ready to invest. I need to have so many different things. I hope to be in a situation where I could afford it. I don’t have time to enjoy my musical instruments. My sequential pro 3 is waiting for me, the FM charm of my digitone keys and its endless possibilities with mod wheel and…
Of course, there is a place for the warm sound of poly classics, but in my case this is not the primary action .

I always need to remember that music is not born in an instrument.


I think I get it… It’s a relatively simple synth so it might not grab your attention as much as something more wild.

A P5 keyboard is currently my dream poly synth, but when I hear demos where it’s in the mix with other synths, it’s always the least interesting to my ears. I would still spend the money on one if I had it, because despite its basic qualities, it has a pleasing tone that I think would stay out of the way and let me focus on writing music. That’s what would make it worth the money to me.

I love Repro-5, which is obviously much more cost effective, but it’s what I turn to most often when writing a track, and I know having the real deal in front of me would only inspire me more.


yes, the Prophet 5 is one of those synths that sound much better in person than over the Internet (Youtube, Soundcloud, etc.).

I had the same reaction as you to this and some other synths until trying them in a room with decent speakers.

I also had the opposite reaction to other synths - sounded good enough to me on the Internet, not so impressive in person.

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You’re saying the P5 was not so impressive in person? That blows my mind. (maybe you’re talking about another synth…)


Edited the post. Hopefully it is now easier to understand




Found these the other day. All P5 sounds. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea, but I thought they were interesting. Really nice way of seeing what a synth can do


Got my work contract made permanent, had a great annual review and realised I’d saved enough in the bank…

I damn near cried when I opened the box and saw how beautiful it was! I think I’m in love…


Watching a live arcade fire stream right now. I see they have a prophet on stage…was watching a bunch of old live videos of them from 2005, they had the prophet 600 for all their shows. It’s cool to see! I didn’t even know what synths were back then.


yeah the prophet 6’s were all over the stages, especially if they didn’t wanna take a p5 out

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Also enjoyed this one


I’m having issues with Aftertouch not working on nearly every other or every 3rd key.

If I run an initialled patch, set the cutoff to 3, res to 0, env amount to 3, Aftertouch button on to effect the filter. some notes will be really bright as if I’ve pressed down into AT and opened the filter, then some work as expected with a dark initial note and then AT opens the filter.

I’m on 2.0.1 and 1.1.1

Anyone else had this? Have email sequential but just thought I’d try here as well to see if I can get it sorted easily.


EDIT - Solved by resending the firmware file :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: