Sequential Take 5 five voice poly

If only it would be the same Pro 3 x five times (same oscs, filters, seq ) then it would real deal, no matter how expensive that goes… otherwise not really interested : )

omg you might be selling me on this.

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Tempest got a mod matrix, with two VCOs and two DCOs going for it.


Oh yeah, I always forget the tempest. It doesn’t let you use the oscillators as a mod source though does it? So I suppose we will see of this does.

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Don’t recall. It’s not the most comprehensive matrix, so you’re probably right. And Tempest does a few things a poly normally shouldn’t, so it’s a bit of a mixed affair, anyway.

I always thought the Tempest was 2 DCOs (same as the Prophet '08 and Mopho) and 2 purely digital oscillators. The same configuration as the Evolver series.

I think this is the first modern Sequential poly to have the mod matrix and VCOs rather than DCOs. Hoping it’ll let you do proper cross-mod like you can with their other VCO-based synths. Bit of an ugly duckling imo though.

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Nope, 2 vco’s and 2 digital oscillators.

Hmm started poking around online can’t seem to find anywhere that references the tempest having VCOs but both soundonsounds review and vintagesynth reference it having DCOs. All the dsi stuff I found just says analog oscillators but not what type. Not saying that it does or doesn’t but there does seem to be some confusion about it.


Ah yeah my bad, I think you’re right indeed. Sequenctial says analog oscillators. Always throws me off a bit.

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Looks good!

Might take this lady for a spin!

No worries. I think the Sequential page is a bit vague about the analog oscillators. It’s more specific about them being DCOs in the manual. :slight_smile:

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I actually owned a Tempest a couple of years ago. Just forgot it were DCO’s :sweat_smile:

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Hoping for a desktop version too.

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+1 for a desktop module.


And I still own mine. So this is me now :point_down:

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yees, and with a single voice … that would be enough

straight from sequential


Are we in 1996 ?
Cheesy video, but doesn’t mean it’s not a great synth


Yeah the music in the video kind of has the feel of some of those product videos generated by bots trying to get you to click an affiliate link to Amazon. Maybe they just needed to push something out because of the leak? Looking forward to some single sound demos.

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I’m most surprised by the exaggerated focus on the suggestion that it is portable? It’s not that portable.

Still, nice synth for the price :).