Sequentix Cirklon and MD start/stop message

Hello I’m new in the forum, and i’ve got a problem i can’t fix myself… maybe it sounds silly but here’s my situation;

I’ve got a cirklon sequencer as master of my setup, and the MD is slave of it. Now the problem is, sometimes i don’t want to start the MD when i hit play on the cirklon, but play later in a song. I’ve tried to send Mute CC from the cirklon to the MD, but when i send unmute CC in the next scene on cirklon, then it won’t play on the first note (for example Kick on the first trig,will not play) and this way it can’t work out for me.
The problem is i need both hands to play, and i tried the trick with the Function Button and hit the muted trigs and release them right before the beat has to step in… but this isn’t the way i like it, and it’s not always possible because i need both hands to play the keys.

I hope somebody understands my problem and can help me… by the way, sorry for my bad english :wink:

The easiest way would be to have all your trigs on Cirklon instead of the MD. Then have 2 scenes, one with MD trigs & one without.
Obviously you lose p.locks but if you’re not using more than 4 per Track then Aux events will work.

Alternatively, (if you want trigs on the MD), you’ll need to send a CC at the end of the Scene, say last step.

I’ve used a duplicate Pattern assigned to the ‘Fill’ button that only differs from the original by having a CC assigned at the end. Bit of a long way around but it works :slight_smile:

Another possibility would be to assign CC to ‘Knob A or B’
You could control a ‘CTRL all’ machine this way, assign to Level or Vol.

Hey thanks a lot man. The second way works great for me. I’ve already tried it out and it works well for me so far…
But i’ve got one problem left; some beats i’ve made on the cirklon and i trigger the MD, like the first way you write me… but since i’ve set my global setting on Ctrl in, the MD starts to play a beat over the one that the cirklon sends. Now i thought about sending a program change to a empty pattern, and store the kit i use there… but maybe you’ll know a better way to manage this. Is maybe possible to store global settings for each Kit indepentendly? Thanks

You should check out Cirklon’s ‘Rsyn’ options as they were made for circumstances just like this. In fact they were designed for the Octatrack, which I didn’t always want to start when Cirklon started.

See the mode rsyn3 in the manual:

rsyn3 - MIDI clock will not start when Cirklon is first started. You need to press RUN,
or SHIFT + RUN once more after starting, to start slaved devices.

Actually I suspect that’s a typo as it isn’t MIDI clock that doesn’t start but the MIDI start command that isn’t sent. Anyway, give it a try.

Wow now this one is great, maybe reading the manual more carefully would be good sometimes :slight_smile:
So know am ready to play, with the combination of both the track values and the Rysn3 option. Thanks a lot for your help you guys, i really appreciate your help.

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I did want another option so that hitting stop on Cirklon would optionally not send the stop command on chosen MIDI ports. That way, you could have left loops and long samples playing on the Octatrack when other stuff stopped. But I got rid of the Octatrack so the impetus was gone and the idea never went any further.

No worries :slight_smile:
Nice one Smokyfrog, completely forgot about rsyn3 :+1: