Set A4 LFO so that the filter only slides the last two bars


does anyone know whether this is possible via the A4 and that is about the LFO. Example:

There are 64 steps available, the FRQ should only be started from 32 to 64 and with 1 everything should continue as normal. It is normally possible with TRG, I think, but I have a lot of steps in between and the LFO would start over with each step and the FRQ would not ramp up linearly. It is the same for the slide function because there are only short steps and the slide function does not run over two bars. It would be super cool if someone could explain in more detail how it works properly.

Leave lfo depth at 0, but p-lock it on steps 32-64 to the value you need for the filter modulation and retrig (on the trig page are retrigs for the envs and both lfos ) the lfo in free mode on step 32 so it restarts from there.


If you want a linear ramp from 32 to 64, wouldn’t slide trigs do the job? Saves you a LFO as well

That does not work. This is only possible if a step is set and a second step, up to where the effect should slide, but there are steps in between, as is the case with me, it doesn’t work.

How exactly do you get to the trig page?

I still can’t do it. The filter should therefore run up cleanly at exactly 32, with each pass, but because there are steps in between, that is not possible. The filter only runs cleanly with MOD FRE, but unfortunately not always exactly at 32 because it swings around freely.

My solution is to do the whole thing with the OT over CC and that works perfectly.

You have to retrig on the trig page on that step you want the lfo to basically start from (in your case step 32)… Trig page is where note, note length, velocity etc. are set. If you hold a trig, the retrig parameters for filter env, env 2 and the 2 lfos will appear, they’re not visible otherwise.


now I understand - thank you very much !!

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You can also plock the MOD parameter in the LFO page to TRIG so that it trigs on the right place, and let if FREE for the other trigs.

Keep in mind that you can use the Start Phase parameter (SPH) to select on which point of the LFO shape you wish to start.