Setting parameters from a step as the default?

Hey all :slight_smile:

Is there a way to set the parameters from a (locked) step as the default for that machine? Up until now, once i find a sound in live jamming that i like, that i’d like to use as the default sound for that machine/track, i have to hold down the step, note the (locked) values, and then set the original (unlocked, if that makes sense) parameters accordingly - so as to avoid maxing out my lock capacity. Is there a way around this? It’s very tedious and slows down my workflow significantly :confused:

Apologies if there is something very fundamental I’m missing here*


Instead of P-locking your main sound for that machine, you’ll be better off programming the sound you want and then using locks to create variation in the sequence. It sounds to me like you are trying to dial in the main machine sound per step, which will eat up your locks quick. If you do want to do it per step, it will be more efficient if you program one step, and then copy and paste that trig to the new steps, and p-lock deviations as needed…but again, you’ll run out of locks fast if you do this for every step.

I might be missing something here, but how about just saving your kit with that machine’s parameters set to the values you want on that P-locked step? Then that’s your new base sound and you can alter it if wanted with P-locks, but won’t use a single one for the majority of your trigs…

I’m probably not understanding the question though :wink:

Edit: I guess I just said more or less the same as Accent did above. I’m on a roll!

Heya, thanks for the feedback folks. Yep - this is the way I’ve been working until now, but just thought maybe there was a way to copy the values of a p-lock to the machine in a quick cut-and-paste way. Doesn’t seem so though. Thanks anyhow!