Shamanic experiences from illness?

It’s about time I haven’t gotten chosen for anything in ages except jury duty…


:joy: I got summoned recently but was able to get out of it due to anxiety issues.

When the little fellas come for you, say hi from me and let us know their plan for you.

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I usually reply with “my father is a lawyer i am estranged from him and i hate lawyers” in angry hand writing and always get dismissed!

Although being a shaman seems like a lot longer commitment than being a juror I promise you that I will greet the elves if they choose me with an open heart and my release form signed and ready…

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I’ve come out of illnesses (flu, etc) after some extreme fevers with an unusual mental clarity, like seeing the world anew, but never any shamanistic experiences.


Yea, the first day after I finally was feeling like myself after getting covid it was like seeing the sun through the trees for the very first time as an adult and the breeze brushing my skin it blushed my soul in a color of love I never accounted for and you fall to your knees and smile so warmly at the smell of everything around you. You wish to experience it again but attempting that it’s like in that Kung Fu episode where he blindfolds himself so to be blind like Master Po but Master Po sees him and raps him on the head with a length of rattan because it just doesn’t work like that…


Interesting phenomenon, wonder why this happens. Usually when I’m in a state and I tell my spouse about my fever induced spiritual awakenings it sounds stupid out loud and she just says I need to go get a glass of water

Also when I get up to pee in the middle of the night I always see the after-image of a mandala in my vision like I’ve been staring at one, yeah, we’re definitely all shamans here

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I was in a thicket of red macaws. They wanted my salt. I had to push my way through them, steaming with fever, into black space where a giant gold ring rotated; if I could seize the ring, my illness would end.

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The closest I’ve gotten was by having anchovies on my pizza just before going to sleep.

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I watched a movie on my wall once when suffering from kidney/liver failure induced psychosis. There was no television in the room.