Shamanic experiences from illness?

Have you ever had a shamanic experience from an illness or maybe even became a shaman after? I don’t mean brought on my licking toads but from a something like a bad flu or from eating some ceviche that was spoiled. I’m curious to hear about it!

Can’t say I have.


I’ve had plenty of fever dreams, does that count?


Well, if it counts to you no one can say it doesn’t.


I did once see God at the bottom of a saucepan, but I’d eaten a lot of mushrooms at the time.


My wife is recovering from a very serious illness triggered, we think, by ringing in the ear. She has been on quite a journey taking in all sorts of ideas, some quack, some really out there and compelling. But it has set her on a spiritual path which I try to hang on to the coat tails of.


I suggest to not follow that path.

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I wasn’t suggesting that people should eat rancid leftovers as a path to enlightenment.

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I see my friends as demons if I drink too much but I never saw any shaman. I’d probably poop my pants if I saw one to be honest.

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No, but I did eat a plate of fajitas in Mexico once that got me so sick I wished I could speak to the Gods directly and ask they put me out of my misery.

Outside of that; not so much.

Yeah… I thought about mentioning acid or mushrooms. But that’s not what OP was asking for.

My fever dreams were just confusing and not shamanic at all. But so were all the self proclaimed shamans I’ve met so far. Nothing but big mouths and very few coherent thoughts.

Also: vaccinate your kids against measles.


On a somewhat related note I was thinking about that film Phantom Thread earlier. At the time I saw it I really didn’t care much for it and probably still don’t as a film but I find the idea to be interesting and have had that experience in a relationship, where maybe things aren’t going great and someone gets a bout of some illness which is maybe traumatic but not life threatening, where one nurses the other in their convalesce and when they get better it does feel in a way, at least for a little while, that you have grown together and forgotten the trivial quibbling.

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Did I mention I had a runny nose at the time?

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Did your snot form reflective pools which bathed you in the healing light of the universe?

No, to the OP’s question.

But when I was young I once had a terrible fever that caused me to Hallucinate the Doozers from Fraggle Rock, building their structures around my body and throughout my bedroom. I was too frightened (ill) to move in case I brought it all down. Little C***s!


I haven’t thought about that show in ages…

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I know one real medicine man, he serves ayahuasca. He was in a the icu with a bad appendix, almost died. The plant spirits brought him back and he’s been serving ever since.

I don’t think it’s a choice. You get chosen


Yea, that sort of thing I was alluding to. Apparently in certain cultures it is or was common for someone to become a shaman after such an experience which somehow makes sense to me.


And now they’re going to choose you.


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Yes so be careful who you let serve any plant medicine. And while we are at it say thanks to ol mama ganja if you partake. She puts up with a lot of idiots abusing her. She loves music ya know