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Renoise is perfect for sampling duties.

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Found these delightful cyanescens in my yard. After a couple of years trying to cultivate my own psychedelics and growing mold, I find what I’m looking for at the base of a sedum I transplanted from my ailing mother in law’s backyard.


Thank you for the psychic experience granted by the descriptive phrasing. That was quite a ride.

Trip Hop Mix - 17.10.2021

20 minutes

A short trip hop mix - my first time recording and posting. In no ways perfect, but I had fun.

  1. The Anthem - Onra
  2. My Freedom Has No Price - Kognitif
  3. Break My Heart in 2 - Ancient Astronauts
  4. Vagarosa - Pablo Zuazo
  5. Chocolate Elvis - Tosca
  6. The Hop - Radio Citizen
  7. Smoke & Mirrors - RJD2
  8. High Noon - Kruder & Dorfmeister
  9. Electric Lazyland - 9 Lazy 9
  10. Glory Box - Portishead
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Every now and then my flatmate and I try to record a small impro session (~30min) on sundays, decided to upload that one. Mostly in there is a MD, a MNM, a Sirin and DN :slight_smile:


Without getting there? With impression of spores?
Is there nothing naturally cool in your environment? :mushroom:

i think to get transcendentally lost in something and forgo the conventions of social norms (unless you are, or you’re putting someone else, at risk) is a really special thing. i never criticise it if i observe it occur publicly for someone else. more get slightly jealous i’m missing out on whatever their brain chemistry is manifesting. :slight_smile:


More of this sort of thing, family approval or otherwise. They should try it, really.


I got in touch with one of the dancers, and the public rushing on the center of the room in the end was totally spontaneous, not planned at all ^^
They took it like a blessing, as the pure magical moment it was.

Thanks for the kind words :wink:


I love making moody photos and posting on IG. Phone camera + lightroom mobile app.



I’ve been rigging a character to do some skateboard stuff. [hoping to werk my way into a skate related game job]. I rigged up a skate today. I’m kinda happy with the way this rig werks. totally functional for skate anim :slight_smile:

theres some extra hand pose shit at the end


test animation. DISCLAIMER, I spent no time on it. just testing the Zombies rig. I can’t model, so Im boring the Zombie. Rigged him, build and rigged the Skate, intentionally low poly cuz, to reiterate, I cant model. I did texture mods to him, shoes, shirt.

theres animation at 0:42. the color swaps at the start were for my buddy, I realize putting the anim at the start might have been the better choice. we are gonna do something with this shit…I need a job

SLOPPY at best, but sharing anyways.
and…of AMYONE can tell me what song is in the vid id be SUPER appreciative.

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A techno track from the game Mega Race 2, i think it was the first time i heard techno around age 6, and it is just a tune that sticks with me until today


Something about the fruiting stage. My Jam jars full of mycelium have always ended up full of blue mold. I’m cool tho. It’s kinda nice just having em show up.

Maybe lack of ventilation and excess humidity?
I know blue is the best color for our fungal friends but be careful anyway!


Oh man, make Skate 4 please.
We are waiting since the last century.

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moments after I post the last vid

I fucking hate this industry [animation].

Some HR chick contacted me a couple days ago re a job.
She was super pumped. Would respond to me immediately. A couple days of back and forth…she wants to setup an interview. Then all of a sudden she goes quiet.
Then outta no where, “im sorry we had a candidate already”

Fucking HR will read resumes, and open communications before checking with the dept they are hiring for FIRST. they never check the dept to see if it’s even worth their time to contact the person they found.

You wanna know why I have zero confidence left?….this has been happening to me for the last six years.
They get yer hopes up and then fuck you.
The perfect way to let you know you are not hireable anymore. :frowning: fml