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Made some embroidery :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s actually cool. Embroidery thread time.


it’s better with sound :slight_smile:

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Found it drowned in the swimming pool just now.

Pretty big one :grimacing:


Perhaps the winds of change were blowing a little too hard and they rocked it like a hurricane…right into your pool :thinking:


Possibly (we have had a lot of monsoons recently). More than likely it was thirsty and fell in. They are just arachnids after all. :scorpion: Sting, eat, drink, reproduce, and try not to die. It’s a tough life in the desert.

Please tell me you got the Scorpions (band) reference… :neutral_face:

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Now that you mention it, it sounds vaguely familiar :joy:

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Poor little guy :frowning:


The podcast Kitschfork just did a cool episode on Boards of Canada’s Geogaddi. It has a very casual history of BoC up to that point, some context of the music scene and critical reception at the time, and a track-by-track evaluation of the album (unsurprisingly, they have a lot of nice things to say about it)

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This is quite mindblowing for me.

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Did some Dory boat fishing this weekend. The photography was better than the salmon fishing, but the rockfish and Dungeness crab were plentiful.


En route to “The Fest for Beatles Fans”. Objective: determine if the Beatles are still relevant in 2022 :laughing:


The great pleasure of a sunny afternoon in Holland…


bit of a click baity and dumbed down format vid, but the section about detecting thought patterns and inner speech from intramuscular head and jaw movement was interesting, that’s basically telepathy, another example of tech turning “magic” into reality very soon.

I’m currently trying to design a logo for me. that’s my current state


Apparently, i like pitch on the M:S.


So the Beatle people at the convention were really great. I think it’s a similar energy to what some here would find in the rave scene and the like.

  • Someone gave me a ‘rave candy’ type necklace and offered to lend me a sweater
  • I got a free book for being a nice person
  • Wanna meet a favorite author or podcaster? You can often spend a ton of time chatting away.

I had a great time and would totally recommend it as an experience to anyone who is reasonably Beatle obsessive. That might not apply to most here but you never know. I met a hero of mine and it was better than I could’ve imagined. Going to meet another one in a month and if it goes as well I’ll be over the moon.