Share your NOT electronic music

I recently release 4 albums of music that can best be classified INDIE?SHOEGAZER/POP/ROCK…I dunno. There are definitely some electronic elements and a TON of Elektron stuff (A4/AR).
Please check out this stuff if you have some time…


Damn that was an amazing cover

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Thanks a lot! Was some time ago, but it’s fun to get back to non electronic music at times just to get new input and inspiration

I write contemporary tango music and think that acoustic composition has a lot of interesting connections to writing with elektron boxes. For me each way of thinking feeds the other


That’s really nice! So energetic and well played. Well done!

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I release two albums, instrumental, blues ans rock. Hope you like :grinning:.

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cheers! thanks for checking it out

Have been rehearsing with these guys for a couple of months now.
Things are getting more serious now :slight_smile:
Second record on the way.


Only guitar, hope you like.

I make music using a lot of Elektron devices (analog heat is on everything, use a lot of Octatrack and Monomachine on my latest release.) It’s not electronic, more like wordy guitar pop rock, just made with electronics.

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There’s some electronic stuff in this but it’s all built around either guitar or keys.

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I really enjoyed this!

Thanks. The complete album is on all the streaming sites. Apple, Spotify, etc. (Grady Nickel- July). Recorded in Nashville when I still lived there a while ago. Thanks again.


I produced and arranged this record! Definitely not electronic, though I used my empress zoia as an effect send a bit!

This singer has such an amazing voice

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As much as I love synths and computers, I came into music by playing violin and harpsichord when I was a child.
When I started making my own (electronic) music, I naturally played acoustic instruments in addition to electronic stuff.
Many years after in 2021, I had the opportunity to gather a small ensemble of 7 musicians, called “Chapelier Fou Ensemb7e”. I’m very proud to share what we’ve been cooking. It’s a mix of “songs” from different times, but most are from the two albums released in 2020, Méridiens and Parallèles.


About 12 years ago, some friends of mine who ran a net-label asked all the artists to record a track based on the album title ‘One For The Ladies’.

I accidentally recorded a love song under the moniker of Richard Silkman. :cupid:
I seem to remember it being a lot of fun :slight_smile:

And a piano “motif” from around the same time

Slim pickings for non-electronic stuff.

I recorded 2 folk albums in my kitchen, here’s one of the tracks from the first album.

Not sure if it’s anti-folk, grunge folk, folk-rock, or folk punk. Definitely was a fun way to learn how to record. Used a zoom R8 for recording, multitracking, bouncing, and mastering.

Better off dead

Recorded this tonight.

It’s an old family lullaby interpreted in the choral chanting style of the region my family comes from. I recorded this as a gift to my baby daughter.